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A MBT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    WFUMB Congress Timisoara, Romania, May 25-28, 2022
    [2022.04.04.] - MBT - Hírkategória: Általános
    It is a great honor for Timişoara and for Romania to host the WFUMB Congress 2022.

    The 18th World Federation for Medicine and Biology Congress in conjunction with the 2022 SRUMB Annual Conference and the EUROSON 2022, will be the most important event of the year for all of us using ultrasound as a medical tool.

    It is also an opportunity to visit our beautiful town, “The Little Vienna” or “The City of Flowers”, as Timişoara is called, and to discover the Romanian hospitality.

    WFUMB 2022 will maintain the tradition of a balanced program, including a range of postgraduate courses focused on different fields of ultrasound and will also bring the newest information in diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography, covering the usual broad range of topics.

    The scientific committees assure you that WFUMB 2022 will be an excellent opportunity for continuous medical education for everyone, from the general practitioners to the scientists and researchers.

    The local organizing committee and the Romanian Society of Ultrasound (SRUMB) are delighted to be your hosts and invite you to join this event, to explore the beauty of Timişoara and Romania, and to enjoy the special social events that will be prepared for this meeting.

    For four days, between 25-28 May 2022 Timişoara will be The World Capital of Ultrasound.

    We are looking forward to welcome you in Timişoara in 2022.

    Location and Date
    Timisoara Convention Center
    Str Marasesti nr 1-3, 300086,
    Timisoara, Timis, Romania
    May 25-28, 2022

    World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
    European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
    Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

    Official language
    Scientific papers will be held in English.

    Important dates:
    1 May - Early bird registration fee
    31 March - Deadline abstract submission
    15 April - Abstract acceptance notification

    More details on the website: https://wfumb2022.com/



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