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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Események
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    XII International Primary Care Diabetes Europe Conference
    2012.05.02. | MDT Web-szerkesztőség | Hírkategória: Események
    As chairman of PCDEurope (Primary Care Diabetes Europe) I am honoured to announce the XII International Primary Care Diabetes Europe Conference which will take place in Barcelona, on 26th & 27th October 2012.

    Together with the organizing committee I have the pleasure to invite you to attend this meeting. This conference enjoys the support of major professional organizations in the field.

    The scope of the meeting comprises a broad range of topics about various aspects of cure and care for people living with diabetes, relevant for all primary health care practitioners. The conference will present an opportunity to share and discuss the latest state of the art knowledge in the field.

    The scientific programme will feature keynote lectures, state of the art sessions and workshops from international experts addressing topics such as the diabetes epidemic, prevention, lifestyle change, diabetic foot, cardio-metabolic risk, treatment guidelines as well as novel therapies. In a special “rising star session” a young promising researcher will have the opportunity to present their work, while this year the 4th “Paul Cromme lecture” will honour Anne Marie Felton, Vice-President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), and the Co-Founder and President of the Federation of European Nurses in Diabetes (FEND).

    Participants will have the opportunity to present and share their research results during interactive and guided poster sessions while the top 5 selected posters will be presented in a plenary session as well.

    Abstract Submission >>
    Scientific Programme >>
    Register Now >>

    The organizing committee is looking forward to welcoming you to the XIIth International Primary Care Diabetes Conference in Barcelona in 2012.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Prof. Johan Wens
