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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Professional journal & Web-site

Diabetologia Hungarica and the www.diabet.hu Web-site

The official journal of the Hungarian Diabetes Association is the “Diabetologia Hungarica”.

It has been published quarterly since 1993. The main purpose of the journal is to publish the results of the Hungarian researchers and clinicians and to give brief overviews from international journals in Hungarian in the field of diabetology. In supplements we publish regularly the national guidelines for diabetes care.

Since 2001 the Hungarian Diabetes Association has its own e-communication system at http://www.diabet.hu

The website offers information for both professionals and patients. The members can access several services via the website, like membership files, registration to conferences and congresses of HAD, Diabetologia Hungarica On-line version, accreditation and administration of diabetes outpatient clinics, video-presentations, webcasts etc.