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Az MFT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Cony 2022 ( London, UK, March 24-27, 2022)
    [2021.09.08.] - MFT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    We are delighted to invite you to the 16th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology CONy to be held in London, UK, March 24-27 2022.

    CONy provides a much needed forum to illuminate contested areas in neurology and in treatment of neurological diseases. While most conferences are generally informative, there is often only limited time for thorough and critical discussions, particularly on still unresolved issues.

    CONy provides a platform for international experts to discuss and compare experience, thus closing the gap between the expansion of knowledge and its dissemination and use. By having this debate style structure, the congress has become a major annual event for members of the neurological community and its allies.

    The popularity and increasing relevance of the topics and debates explored during this annual congress has bore many other offshoot meetings. All our participants are encouraged to take an active role in the Congress by engaging faculty members in an open and unique environment and voting on debates in each session. Abstracts for presentations are also welcome and will be discussed in person by our faculty.

    We do hope you will join us for this high level educational Congress and excellent networking opportunity.

    We look forward to welcoming you to London for CONy 2022!

    Website: https://cony.comtecmed.com/


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