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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    EPNS 2021. áprilisi hírlevele
    [2021.04.19.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Az EPNS 2021. áprilisi hírlevele megtekinthető ide kattintva

    A tatalomból:
    How EPNS members can access the online society Journal.
    EPNS Membership fee 2021 payment.
    EPNS free Webinar: 12 May 2021: Psychiatry and Motor Manifestations in Autoimmune Encephalitis.
    EPNS Congress 2022: abstract submission period now open.
    Interactive Online Learning courses: discounts for EPNS members.
    Young EPNS (YEPNS): new EPNS group – learn about their current activities.
    EPNS General Meeting: 4 June 2021 13:00h CET.
    EPNS Virtual Training Course Jurmala (Latvia) 2021: thanks, congratulations, and pdfs.
    EPNS Research Meeting 2021 VIRTUAL: date to be announced.
    EPNS educational online tools and videos library.
    European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (EJPN).
    EPNS new members – welcome!
    COVID-19: working together.
    ISSOP: global webinars on climate change and child health.
    One Neurology: podcast series.
    ERN- RND webinar series.
    EpiCARE webinar series.
    European Academy of Childhood (EACD) annual virtual meeting 2021.
    European Academy of Neurology virtual congress 2021.
    Europediatric Congress, Croatia 2021.
    EEG/Epiped Course, Italy 2021.
    European Brain Council (EBC).
    International Child Neurology Association (ICNA): Congress 2022, webinar series and membership.
    British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA) webinar series.
    EPNS meetings webpage.

    Important EPNS meeting dates for your diaries:
    EPNS VIRTUAL General Meeting: 4 June 2021
    EPNS Central Eurasia Workshop, Kazakhstan: 14-16 October 2021
    EPNS VIRTUAL Research Meeting 2021: date to be confirmed
    EPNS Training Courses: Jurmala, Latvia: 27-31 March 2022
    14th EPNS HYBRID Congress: Glasgow UK: 28 April - 2 May 2022
    4th EPNS Masterclass: Cambridge, UK: 15-17 September 2022
    EPNS Training Courses: Jurmala, Latvia: 2023
    15th EPNS Congress: Prague, Czech Republic: 20-24 June 2023
    3-year cycle EPNS Training Courses 2024-2026: Ferrara, Italy
