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A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
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OTP 11709002- 20015329

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A MGYNT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Az EPNS online tréning kurzusokat hirdet
    [2021.10.20.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear EPNS Members,

    Great news for fully paid up EPNS Trainee members!
    Massive discounts available!

    The EPNS/MacKeith Press two interactive ACCREDITED ONLINE LEARNING COURSES are already available to ALL fully paid EPNS members for a discount.

    Now there is a substantial further discount for EPNS Trainee members providing GREAT VALUE for high quality training in clinical practice for all neurological problems in infancy.

    If you are a fully paid up EPNS Trainee Member, you pay € 30 for a single accredited course and € 50 for both accredited courses.

    Why not register for the online courses today and take advantage of this great offer?

    Or if you’re unsure, look at the FREE course companion https://www.mackeith.co.uk/product/course-companion-pack-free/ or access the FREE 48 hour trial https://www.mackeith.co.uk/product/test-course/

    Find out all you need to know here, including the coupon codes needed at check-out to get the EPNS member discount: https://www.epns.info/child-neurology-in-infancy-online-courses/
