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A MGYNT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    EPNS hírlevél 2019.02.16.
    [2019.02.16.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Az EPNS 2019. február 16-ig hírlevele letölthető ide kattintva >>

    A tartalomból:
    1. EPNS annual subscription fees: 2019 and 2020: Pay and benefit from a significant EPNS congress discounted registration fee plus more.
    2. 3rd EPNS International Advances in Neuromodulation in Children Symposium: 16-17 September 2019, Athens, Greece Registration open, programme available.
    3. 13th EPNS Congress 17-21 September 2019, Athens, Greece: Registration open, bursary/abstract deadline extended.
    4. EPNS Training Course, Alicante, Spain: 7-10 May 2019: Just a few places remaining!
    5. EPNS teaching course in Uzbekistan: 13-15 March 2019: Registration closes soon!
    6. EPNS Fellowship 2019 Congratulations!
    7. EPNS Visiting Teacher 2019 Congratulations!
    8. EPNS Fellowship 2018: Update
    9. EPNS supporting educational events
    10. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (EJPN)
    11. 14th EPNS Congress 2021: Glasgow: 2-5 June 2021: Save the date!
    12. 15th EPNS Congress 2023
    13. Together we are stronger
    14. EPNS Certificate of Membership
    15. New EPNS membership
    16. EPNS on Twitter! @EPNSnews
    17. BPNA Paediatric Neurology Distance Learning
    18. EPNS website: Job vacancy section
    19. Special Offer on ICF: A Hands-on Approach for Clinicians and Families
    20. Meetings advertised on our EPNS website
