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Az MHT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    34th World Congress of Internal Medicine
    (WCIM 2018)
    [2017.12.14.] - Magyar Hypertonia Társaság - Hírkategória: Általános

    On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are pleased to inform you that the 34th World Congress of Internal Medicine (WCIM 2018) will take place from 18-21 October, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa.


    About the Congress

    The Congress will provide an excellent academic programme for the general physician but of a standard that the specialty groups such as Rheumatologists, Cardiologists, Pulmonologists and so on would also benefit. Posters will be presented by investigators in clinical as well as research areas and “Meet the Expert” sessions will encourage interactive discussions using interesting case studies to illustrate clinical challenges. We will also endeavour to present state of the art symposia with updates on recent guidelines and developments across the spectrum of Internal Medicine.


    For more information on the Congress – www.wcim2018.com

    For Congress topics – http://www.wcim2018.com/topics-2/



MHT társasági hírek>>