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News category: General
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Revised Statute of ISMH
    [2005.01.27.] - ISMH - News category: General
    Dear Friends,
    Attached please find the revised Statute of ISMH (prepared by the presidency of ISMH).
    The final version (after correction on accounts of your remarks and proposals) will be accepted by the General Assembly of the world congress in Istanbul.
    Please do not hesitate to write your commends about it.
    This serves only for the members.
    To read the revised statute, please first login on the web-site!
    If you have forgotten your password or login, write to the office of ISMH via e-mail: ismh@doki.net
    Best regads Tamás Bender
    President of ISMH

    Attached documents(1)


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