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    39TH WORLD CONGRESS OF ISMH (Kyoto, Japan, May 11-14, 2014)
    [2014.01.27.] - ISMH - News category: General
    PROGRAM >>



    Dear ISMH Members and Balneology Colleagues,

    I hope you made a good health and happy start to 2014. I would like to remind you once again that the 39th World Congress of ISMH, the International Scientific Meeting of Balneology Medical Hydrology and Climatology, will take place in Kyoto Japan, 11-14 May 2014.

    The motto of the Congress reflects the core of our medical praxis; “Responses of the Human Body to the stimuli from Nature”.

    As we all agree that Japan is the perfect choice for the 39th ISMH Congress not only being a unique traditional “onsen” country with vivid scientific balneological research, but also being the country of nature and culture.
    The ISMH Congresses, as being the unique biennial global scientific meeting of medical balneology, hydrology and climatology are increasingly attracting scientists, experts and professionals globally from the medical hydroclimatological and balneological sectors and representatives of organizations and institutions of the countries all over the world.

    We all are looking forward to the congress which will reflect the importance of the scientific research on “health effects of natural stimuli from the nature”; water, mud, climate in general and the “healing environment” of the traditional spa treatments in particular. The main topics of the congress cover main aspects of our field and will be presented in three main sessions. A Symposium is dedicated on “Hot and cold stimuli / Efficacy of radon / Waon therapy / Forest medicine and Terrain Kur / Healthy aging and national finance / Foot baths”. A series of sessions will be held on clinical applications; “Locomotion and rheumatology / Rehabilitation / CO 2 , NaCl, Sulfur Waters / Aquatic therapy / Thalassotherapy and Mud therapy”. And of course a special part for hosting country; with special topics such as “Acupuncture and moxibustion / Acid springs / Sand baths (suna-mushi)”. Nevertheless, oral and poster communications from a diversity of research agenda from all over the globe are expected. Abstracts can be submitted at the website; http://www.ismh2014.com/abstract.html and deadline of submission is 12th of February.

    I along with our Japanese colleagues leaded by Dr. Shigeko Inokuma and Prof. Yoshinori Ohtsuka will be delighted to meet you at our global scientific and social meeting; the 39th one on 11-14 May 2014 in Kyoto, Japan.

    Prof. Dr. Müfit Zeki Karagülle
    President of ISMH

    For more details please visit the website >>

    Download Poster here >>

    Download the Message from ISMH President here >>


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