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    37th Congress of ISMH (Paris, France - June 23-26 2010)
    [2009.08.27.] - ISMH - News category: General
    The 37th Congress of ISMH will be held in Paris, France - June 23-26 2010.

    Opening ceremony: Medical Academy,16 rue Bonaparte, 75006
    Congress Venue: Catholic University, 21 rue d'Assas, 75006
    Closing Ceremony: Luxaemburg Palace,15 rue de Vaugirard, 75006.


    • Biology (biochemistry, microbiology, physics, physiology, …)
    • Health benefit (rheumatology, dermatology, respiratory
    • and ENT, metabolisms, obesity, vascular diseases, neurology,
    • psychiatry, children, gynaecology,…),
    • New trends : exercise, education, ageing, rehabilitation, prevention, public health,
    • Mud Therapy,
    • Climatherapy,
    • Thalassotherapy,
    • Safety (resources, products, treatments, patients, …),
    • Drinking mineral waters,
    • Dermo-cosmetological issues,
    • Methodology of scientific investigation,
    • Medical Hydrology Teaching (initial and continuous medical education),
    • Thermal Heritage and Human Sciences (litterature, history, psychology, art, architecture,… ),
    • Managing the quality,
    • Economics,
    • Miscellaneous,

    The language of the Congress is English. All the informative documents, inscription documents, abstracts submitted, text of the presentations and posters will be in English. The Congress will not provide translation to other languages.

    DEADLINE for abstract SUBMISSION : 2010 February 15

    All the abstracts will be submitted online on the congress website ; the main author will receive a reception confirmation email as soon as the abstract will be successfully submitted ; the decision of the scientific committee will be communicated to the main author on 2010 APRIL 15.



    The accepted papers will be presented as key-note lectures, oral communications, posters communications according to the demand of the authors and the final decision of the scientific committee.

    The authors will be informed of the decision of the committee and of the schedule of their presentation.

    More details: http://ismh2010.org

    Attached documents(2)


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