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    ISMH World Congress has been postponed to October 2022. The new dates are: OCTOBER, 19-21, 2022
    [2022.04.05.] - ISMH - News category: Általános
    Dear Colleagues and Friends,

    due to the ongoing global situation, the 46th ISMH World Congress has been postponed to October 2022.

    The new dates are: OCTOBER, 19-21, 2022



    Address by the Presidents:

    On behalf of the International Society of Medical Hydrology (ISMH) we would like to invite you all to join us in Salsomaggiore Terme (Italy) and participate to our Congress. This important scientific event will be organized by ISMH in collaboration with the newborn Italian Society of balneology (SIMeTer) and the support the Italian Foundation for balneological research (FoRST).

    The meeting will take place October 19-21, 2022 in the city of Salsomaggiore Terme, Emilia Romagna, Italy.
    From the early XIX° century Salsomaggiore Terme has been a most renowened ville d’eaux of the many that can be counted in Italy, with its elegant houses decorated with Liberty, Dèco and Secession motifs.
    The explosion of chronic diseases urgently poses to contemporary medicine the issue of reinforcing primary and secondary prevention, contrasting chronicity and facing polypathology. Hospitals of the near future will be primarily focused on acute patients, while a well-organized network of not-hospitalized medical healthcare facilities will guarantee the necessary integrated approach to the Patient, from prevention to rehabilitation. Balneology provides the benefit of integrated health maintenance, therapy and recovery. As we all know, medicine is experiencing an unprecedented expansion in scientific knowledge, mainly fueled by personalized molecular medicine. Today we, as scientists active in the balneological field, are giving to our discipline the rapidly growing scientific evidences that will place future balneology in the unique position of having a long-standing medical tradition and a solid scientific evidence at the same time.

    We strongly believe that this is our mandate, and that the ISMH Congress is the privileged place for our scientific discussions. With this deep awareness, we have been facing the unexpected and dramatic events of a war at the end of a pandemics, which made our organization difficult causing a delay, for which we here apologize. We are however sure that our efforts to keep with the original schedule will be rewarded by your valuable presence in Salsomaggiore Terme next October.

    More details, registration on the website: https://ismh2022.it/


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