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Recent news

News category: Általános
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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    [2020.02.19.] - ISMH - News category: Általános
    Dear Members, Dear Colleagues,

    The time has come for the members of the ISMH, who have not yet done, to pay their membership fee for 2020.

    Your contribution is essential for the functioning of the ISMH and our website.

    We thank you in advance for you to rule as soon as possible.

    The contribution for 2020 is:
    • 50 Euro for individuals
    • 200 Euro for societies or companies with less than 200 members
    • 300 Euro for societies or companies with more than 200 members

    You will find below the different ways of paying your dues, which you can also find on the website http://www.ismh-direct.net

    1. Bank transfers can be done to the bank account of ISMH in France:

    I.S.M.H. Treasury
    IBAN: FR76 3000 3019 8700 0500 3659 563

    Address the copy of the transfer with your personal data (surname, name, institution, address, email, phone) to:
    ISMH Treasury C/O Mme Araceli MUELA GARCIA, 12, rue Albert 1er 73100 Aix-les-Bains France

    2. Euros libelled bank cheques also can be cashed (best for french members); they must be adressed to:

    ISMH Treasury C/O Mme Araceli MUELA GARCIA, 12, rue Albert 1er 73100 Aix-les-Bains France

    We hope to see you soon at the International Congress of Dax, France 18 to 20 June 2020


    Thank you for your interest in ISMH.

    Araceli MUELA GARCIA, ISMH Treasurer


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