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Kongresszusok, rendezvények
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Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága
12. Budapesti Kardiológiai Napok
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.14.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.16.
Helyszín: Budapest, Aquaworld Resort

Szeretettel üdvözöljük a Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága 12. Budapesti Kardiológiai Napok rendezvénye kapcsán. Az elmúlt évtizedben többször változtak a konferencia szervezési, rendezési, programtervezési körülményei. A múlt évi, legnagyobb részvétellel lezajlott három napos rendezvény formáját idén is folytatni tervezzük. Mindemellett megtartjuk az online-hibrid formátumot. A programban szerepelni fognak az Európai Kardiológus Társaság által bemutatni tervezett legfrissebb ajánlások is. A BKN sikerét jelentő alapgondolat nem változik: egyszekciós, rövid áttekintő előadásokban a kardiológia teljes spektrumát felölelő programot igyekszünk biztosítani, mely a legszélesebb érdeklődő szakmai közönség számára építő, mottónk szerint „tudásfrissítő”, divatosan „update” konferenciát jelent. Ennek alapját az egyes szakterületek hagyományosan legjobb előadói, állócsillagai jelentik, amint áttekintik az aktuális eltelt év újdonságait azok számára, akik az adott területen nem rendelkeznek napi rutinnal. Konferenciánk vonzereje is pontosan ebben rejlik, ennek köszönhető a 2023 évben rekordszámú, 600 főnél is nagyobb hallgatóság. Tovább emeli az élményt a környezet, a helyszín, a szakmai nkiállítás, szponzoraink aktivitásai, valamint a személyes találkozások lehetősége, öröme.

Tervezett témáink között szerepel:
• az új ESC hypertonia ajánlás
• az új ESC krónikus coronaria syndroma ajánlás
• az új ESC pitvarfibrilláció ajánlás
• az új ESC perifériás arteriás és aorta betegségek ajánlás
• Szívelégtelenség
• Kardiorenális syndroma
• Kardiobesitologia
• Kardiabetológia

Természetesen szó esik a megszokott témákról is, a prevenciótól a rehabilitációig, a háziorvosok, szakorvosok által is elérhető és a kardiológiai centrumok által nyújtott diagnosztikus és terápiás lehetőségekig. Szeretettel várjuk Önöket, várunk Benneteket 2024 november 14-én a szokott helyen!

Prof. Dr. Kiss Róbert Gábor

Bővebb információ a kapcsolt dokumentum alatt olvasható!
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (1)
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága
VIII. Pécsi Kontrasztanyagos Ultrahang Tanfolyam
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.14.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.16.
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Orvosi Képalkotó Klinika
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.ceus.hu/
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága
VIII. Pécsi Kontrasztanyagos Ultrahang Tanfolyam
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.14.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.16.
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Orvosi Képalkotó Klinika
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.ceus.hu/
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága
VIII. Pécsi Kontrasztanyagos Ultrahang Tanfolyam
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.14.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.16.
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Orvosi Képalkotó Klinika
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.ceus.hu/
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága
VIII. Pécsi Kontrasztanyagos Ultrahang Tanfolyam
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.14.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.16.
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Orvosi Képalkotó Klinika
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.ceus.hu/

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Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
EADV/ESDR Summer Research Workshop (Madrid, Spain, 2024.07.01-05.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.07.01.Rendezvény vége: 2024.07.05.
Helyszín: Spain, Madrid,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://esdr.org/events/eadv-esdr-summer-research-workshop-2024/

Chairs: Dr Fernando Larcher (CIEMAT-UC3M), Dr Diego Velasco (UC3M)

To be eligible to a course, you should be an active ESDR member OR an EADV Resident and you should fully complete the application procedure.
Application deadline 2024.03.31. 


The number of available course places per year is 20.
The selection of candidates is made based on CVs, year of residency and the number of courses previously attended. Complete the document “EADVESDR Summer Research Workshop 2024″ and send it to Office@esdr.org
EADV/ESDR Resident courses are for dermatology and venereology residents (either EADV members or ESDR members).
EADV/ESDR also offers accommodation, catering, and a social event during the course.
Preliminary program – as of 7.02.2024
Course Description
This workshop offers a comprehensive examination of experimental skin regenerative medicine, emphasizing on cell and gene-based approaches. Participants will gain proficiency in culture and manipulation of skin cells in both 2D and 3D modalities, focusing on preserving stem cell functionality and regenerative capacities. The course addresses the application of these strategies in scenarios such as chronic wounds, large skin losses from trauma, and genetic disorders. Essential wound healing concepts are covered, enabling participants to tackle specific challenges with appropriate therapeutic tools.
The curriculum also delves into advanced skin gene therapy strategies (e.g. genome editing) to address inherited skin defects impairing regeneration. Discussions extend to pre-clinical models and clinical applications, providing a comprehensive understanding of translational aspects in regenerative medicine.
Additionally, the course explores the complexity of cellular populations influencing skin physiology. Participants will learn to analyze and manage large datasets derived from regenerative skin approaches, incorporating artificial intelligence methods. This course offers a thorough exploration of theoretical foundations and practical applications in experimental skin regenerative medicine.
Learning Objectives
  1. Skin Cell Culture Mastery:

Attain proficiency in cultivating and managing skin cells in 2D and 3D, emphasizing the preservation of stem cell functionality for effective regenerative applications.
  1. Application of Cell-based and other advanced skin Regenerative approaches:

Gain insight on the use of skin regenerative therapies strategically, grounded in a solid understanding of wound healing concepts, to address specific challenges like chronic wounds, traumatic skin losses, and genetic disorders.
  1. Advanced Gene Therapy Skills:

Development of competence in advanced skin gene therapy strategies to address inherited skin defects, encompassing both theoretical insights and practical considerations in pre-clinical models and clinical applications.
  1. Data Analysis and AI Integration:

Explore the complexity of cellular populations in skin physiology and acquire skills in analyzing large datasets from regenerative skin approaches, incorporating artificial intelligence methods for comprehensive data management and interpretation.
Day 1. Keratinocyte Biology and culture (2D)
14.00-14:30 Reception and registration of participants
14:30-14:45 Welcome Address – Fernando Larcher; Diego Velasco
14.45-15.45 Keynote conference: Human epidermal stem cells in skin regeneration – Michele De Luca
15.45-16.15 Coffee break
16.15-16.45 Human and mouse keratinocyte culture methods I – Fernando Larcher
16.45-17.30 Human and mouse keratinocyte culture methods II. Derivation from iPSC – Christine Baldeschi
Day 2. 3D skin cultures
09.00-09.30 Overview 3D skin cultures – Fernando Larcher
09.30-10.15 Plasma-based skin equivalents – Sara Llames
10.15-10.45 Complex organotypic skin models – John Connelly
10.45-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-11.45 Skin organoids – Julia Reichelt Skin Bioprinting – Diego Velasco
12.15-13.30 Demonstration organotypic culture preparation – Sara Llames; Diego Velasco
13.30-14.30 Lunch Break
14.30-16.00 Demonstration Skin Bio-printing – Diego Velasco
16.00-18.00 Presentations by participants
Day 3. Wound healing and skin diseases models
09.00-09.45 Critical players in normal and impaired wound healing – Sabine Werner
09.45-10.15 GPCR in skin homeostasis and regeneration- Marta Carretero
10.15-11.00 Mesenchymal stem cells to treat chronic skin wounds – María J Escamez
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.15 Skin substitutes for chronic ulcers, burns and large wounds – Sara Llames
12.15-12.45 Advanced wound healing therapies – Marta Carretero
12.45-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-14.30 Introduction 3D, KO mice, skin-humanized models – Fernando Larcher
14.30-15.15 Animal skin disease models I. Prevalent diseases – Paloma Pérez
15.15-16.00 Animal skin disease models II (rare diseases) – Alex Nystrom
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.00 Presentations by participants.
Day 4. Gene therapy and clinical studies
09.00-09.30 Skin gene therapy overview – Fernando Larcher
09.30-10.15 Genome editing I – Ulrich Koller
10.15-11.00 Genome editing II (in vivo) – Marta García
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.15 Exon skipping / AONs – Matthias Titeux
12.15-12.45 Overview of Cell and gene therapy clinical trials for genodermatoses – Fernando Larcher, María José Escamez
12.45-13.30 Ex vivo gene therapy in the clinic – Peter Marinkovich
13.30-14.00 In vivo gene therapy in the clinic – Peter Marinkovich
14.00-15.00 Lunch Break
15.00-16.30 Demonstration: keratinocyte genome editing – TBD
16.30-18.00 Presentations by participants
20.30-22.30 Networking Dinner with participants and faculty members
Day 5. Omics and AI in dermatological research
09.00-09.45 Multiomic studies of skin biology and pathology. Overview – Carlos León
09.45-10.15 Dissecting complex cutaneous traits trough RNAseq – Ramón G. Escudero
10.15-11.00 Cell heterogeneity. Single cell RNAsec-studies – Clarisse Ganier
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.00 Artificial intelligence to study rare diseases including genodermatoses – Joaquin Dopazo
12.00-14.00 Presentations by participants
14.00 Closing of the course and farewell – Fernando Larcher
Course Chair:                     Fernando LARCHER, CIEMAT-UC3M, Madrid
Course Co-Chair:                    Diego VELASCO, UC3M, Madrid
International Speakers:           Sabine WERNER, ETH, Zurich
Michele DE LUCA                   UNIMORE, Modena
Christine BALDESCHI             iSTEM, Evry
John CONNELLY                    Queen Mary University, London
Peter MARINKOVICH  Stanford University, USA
Ulrich KOLLER                        DEBRA Haus, Salzburg
Julia REICHELT                       Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Clarisse GANIER                      King’s College, London
Matthias TITEUX                     INSERM, Paris
Alexander NYSTROM              University Freiburg, Freiburg
Tutors /Local Speakers:
Sara G LLAMES                       CCST, Oviedo
Marta GARCÍA                         UC3M, Madrid
María J ESCAMEZ                   UC3M, Madrid
Paloma PEREZ                       IBV, Valencia
Marta CARRETERO                 CIEMAT, Madrid
Carlos LEÓN                            UC3M, Madrid
Ramón G ESCUDERO            CIEMAT, Madrid
Joaquin DOPAZO                  Fundación Progreso y Saluds, Sevilla
Angélica CORRAL
Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete
Ten Topics in Rheumatology
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.07.04.Rendezvény vége: 2024.07.05.
Helyszín: London, Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ten-topics-in-rheumatology-conference-2024-tickets-802987987687
Ten Topics in Rheumatology will be held at Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel, 4th-5th July 2024.
Tickets for in person registration and virtual registration are now live - all places are limited, please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Virtual tickets will give you:
  • Login Details for the two day conference
  • Access to all talks

Click the link here to secure your place
Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete
Ten Topics in Rheumatology
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.07.04.Rendezvény vége: 2024.07.05.
Helyszín: London, Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ten-topics-in-rheumatology-conference-2024-tickets-802987987687
Ten Topics in Rheumatology will be held at Hilton Tower Bridge Hotel, 4th-5th July 2024.
Tickets for in person registration and virtual registration are now live - all places are limited, please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Virtual tickets will give you:
  • Login Details for the two day conference
  • Access to all talks

Click the link here to secure your place
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
8th OmanDerm nternational Conference & Exhibition (2024.08.23-24.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.08.23.Rendezvény vége: 2024.08.24.
Helyszín: Oman,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.omandermsociety.com/#welcomemessage
Oman Dermatology Society
Dear Colleagues,

Warm greetings from the Oman Dermatology Society!

We are pleased to invite you to the 8th OmanDerm International Conference & Exhibition on August 23-24, 2024 at the Millennium Salalah, Sultanate of Oman. MuscatDerm and SalalahDerm has joined together and rebranded to OmanDerm with the aim of reinforcing the learning experience of all attendees. With the merging of these two major derma-tology and aesthetic medicine conferences, get ready for a bigger, a more exciting and engag-ing event that will invade Oman and the rest of the world.
OmanDerm will offer unparalleled opportunities to present your latest products and services and meet face-to-face with leading dermatologists and key decision-makers from around the region.
Oman is becoming one of the most sought-after destinations globally because of its rich cultural heritage long-standing history, stunning landscapes and exceptional hospitality that will give you the best of both worlds.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to welcoming you to the conference.
Magyar Plasztikai Helyreállító és Esztétikai Sebész Társaság
International microsurgery course in Copenhagen (September 18-20, 2024)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.09.18.Rendezvény vége: 2024.09.20.
Helyszín: Denmark, Copenhagen,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://emed.ku.dk/courses/microsurgery-for-surgeons/
This is an intensive three-day practical course to learn the key skills and intricate techniques of microvascular surgery
September 18-20, 2024, from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Social dinner: September 19, 2024
Target audience
The course is designed to impart technical skills for surgeons who want to practice clinical microvascular surgery. It is aimed at surgical specialists and specialists in training, with or without previous microsurgical experience. This includes plastic surgeons, hand surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons, and urological surgeons.
Course setup
Each participant is provided with an independent operating microscope, instruments, and sutures. The emphasis during the course is on practical training in an in-vivo model (rat model). The course is conducted in English by multiple instructors, who closely monitor the practical sessions and provide continuous one-on-one guidance to the participants.
Teaching Faculty
The teaching faculty will comprise of microsurgeons and laboratory technicians who regularly use microsurgical techniques. This ensures participants will receive optimal guidance throughout the course.
Course Objective
·        Understand the basics of microsurgery techniques
·        Perform basic microvascular anastomoses (end-to-end arterial, end-to-end venous, end-to-side vascular anastomosis and interpositional vein grafts)
·        Understand the basics of nerve repair (optional)
·        Perform nerve coaptation (optional)
·        Perform free flap transfer in a rat model (optional)
Course director
Klas Abelson, Professor, PhD
Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Taiba Alrasheed, Microsurgeon
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Zealand University Hospital
Lea Juul Nielsen, Microsurgeon
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital
Peter Fryd Birkeland, Microsurgeon
Department of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University Hospital
Assisting teachers
Rami Mossad Ibrahim, Plastic Surgeon
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital Herlev
Trine Schønfeldt, MD, PhD-student
Leo Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, University of Copenhagen
Available spots
12 participants
Course material will be sent out a month in advance.
We will start every morning with a plenary session continued by practical exercises. The course is a hands-on course with individual work under the microscopes with supervision by the instructors.
University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg Campus, Dyrlægevej 45, DK-1870 Frederiksberg
The fee for the three-day course is 850 EUR* + social dinner additional fee 50 EUR (optional)
*The fee is including lunch, coffee, tea, afternoon snack and beverage
Registration: https://emed.ku.dk/courses/registration/
More details: https://emed.ku.dk/courses/microsurgery-for-surgeons/
Korábbi kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése >>

2024. június 30.
Pál napja
Min / Max: 2 °C / 14 °C
Szélsebesség: 31 km/h

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