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[ 1 ][ 2 ] 
Magyar Radiológusok Társasága
2025 ESTI kongresszus
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.05.07.Rendezvény vége: 2025.05.09.
Helyszín: Róma,
Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága
VIII. Onko-Kardiológiai Napok
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.25.Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.26.
Helyszín: Four Points By Sheraton Kecskemét Hotel És Konferenciaközpont****
Kedves Kollégák!

2025-ben is megrendezésre kerül, immáron VIII. alkalommal az Onko-Kardiológiai Napok Továbbképző Kongresszus.

A színes tudományos program összeállítás alatt áll. Aki szeretne értesülni a részletekről (kevezményes regisztráció, szakmai program, stb.), kérjük, e-mailben jelezze azt az onkokardio2025@clubservice.hu címen, hogy időben tájékoztathassuk a regisztráció megnyílásáról.


A Magyar Onko-kardiológiai Munkacsoport Egyesület nevében a
konferencia Szervező és Tudományos Bizottsága:
Dr. Czuriga Dániel PhD., med. habil.
Dr. Torday László PhD.
Dr. Pozsonyi Zoltán PhD.
Dr. Rubovszky Gábor PhD.
Dr. Hornyák Lajos PhD.
Dr. Fogarassy György PhD.
Dr. Drobni Zsófia PhD.
Dr. Szőllősi Regő
Dr. Kocsis Judit PhD., med. habil.
Dr. Nagy András Csaba PhD.

Kongresszusszervező iroda:
Club Service Kft. 
E-mail: onkokardio2025@clubservice.hu
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
Invitation Berlin International Shoulder Course 2025
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.23.Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.26.
Helyszín: Germany, Berlin,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/
Dear Shoulder Surgeons,

On behalf of Professor Markus Scheibel, President of Berlin International Shoulder Course, I would like to invite you to participate in BISC 2025. The next edition of this well-known, high quality expert meeting will take place in InterContinental Berlin from 23rd  to 26th of April 2025.

Video demonstrations, live surgeries, mini-battles, ultrasound and cadaver workshops with leading specialists from all over the world – you cannot miss it!

For shoulder surgeons from Eastern Europe we prepared a special discount for early bird registration – 500 Euro + 19% VAT (until 31.12.2024). From 01.01.2025, the fee will increase to 700 Euro + 19% VAT.

So hurry up and take advantage of the special offer.

Here you can find link to the event: www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/

Final program of the course

We cannot wait to see you at BISC 2025.
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
Invitation Berlin International Shoulder Course 2025
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.23.Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.26.
Helyszín: Germany, Berlin,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/
Dear Shoulder Surgeons,

On behalf of Professor Markus Scheibel, President of Berlin International Shoulder Course, I would like to invite you to participate in BISC 2025. The next edition of this well-known, high quality expert meeting will take place in InterContinental Berlin from 23rd  to 26th of April 2025.

Video demonstrations, live surgeries, mini-battles, ultrasound and cadaver workshops with leading specialists from all over the world – you cannot miss it!

For shoulder surgeons from Eastern Europe we prepared a special discount for early bird registration – 500 Euro + 19% VAT (until 31.12.2024). From 01.01.2025, the fee will increase to 700 Euro + 19% VAT.

So hurry up and take advantage of the special offer.

Here you can find link to the event: www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/

Final program of the course

We cannot wait to see you at BISC 2025.
Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete
XXIII. Pécsi Reumatológus Rezidens és Szakorvos Fórum
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.04.Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.05.
Helyszín: Pécs,
További részletek hamarosan...

Külföldi kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
33rd EADV Congress (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024.09.25-28.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.09.25.Rendezvény vége: 2024.09.28.
Helyszín: Netherlands, Amsterdam,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.eadv.org/

Our flagship annual event showcases the latest science, research and best practices from all areas of dermato-venereology, with networking opportunities with colleagues from around the world.

Részletek hamarosan!

Abstract submissions open from 2024.02.20-04.24. The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended! New deadline is 8. May 2024!

Scholarship applications are now open!
EADV offers scholarships to encourage participation in the Congress. Scholarships include free registration to the EADV Congress 2024, a travel stipend of €1000 to attend the event in person, and a one-year EADV membership (for the 2025 calendar year).

Michael Hornstein Memorial Scholarship:
EADV will offer this scholarship to one selected applicant from each Central, Eastern, Western & Northern European country.
Apply by 17 April 2024, 23:59 CEST
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (3)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
33rd EADV Congress (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024.09.25-28.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.09.25.Rendezvény vége: 2024.09.28.
Helyszín: Netherlands, Amsterdam,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.eadv.org/

Our flagship annual event showcases the latest science, research and best practices from all areas of dermato-venereology, with networking opportunities with colleagues from around the world.

Részletek hamarosan!

Abstract submissions open from 2024.02.20-04.24. The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended! New deadline is 8. May 2024!

Scholarship applications are now open!
EADV offers scholarships to encourage participation in the Congress. Scholarships include free registration to the EADV Congress 2024, a travel stipend of €1000 to attend the event in person, and a one-year EADV membership (for the 2025 calendar year).

Michael Hornstein Memorial Scholarship:
EADV will offer this scholarship to one selected applicant from each Central, Eastern, Western & Northern European country.
Apply by 17 April 2024, 23:59 CEST
Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (3)
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
ESDR Future Leaders Academy (Uppsala, Sweden, 2024.10.10-12.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.12.
Helyszín: Sweden, Uppsala,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://esdr.org/events/esdr-future-leaders-academy-2024/
ESDR Future Leaders Academy 2024

Chairs: Eniko Sonkoly (Sweden), Sara Brown (UK), Eli Sprecher (Israel) 
Application period: 22 January – 26 April 2024


  • Send  a short CV, a letter of motivation and the FLA 2024 form to Thomas Florestan at thomas@esdr.org


  • The program is primarily open to European residents currently engaged in skin-related research (MD, PhD, Post-Doc, Resident etc).
  • A LIMITED number of places will be made available for participants residing outside Europe.
  • Participants must be 40 years old or under by 1 November of the year the FLA takes place. Exceptions may be made for career breaks, maternity/paternity leave etc.
  • Applications are reviewed on scientific merit by the ESDR Scientific Program Committee.
  • ESDR committees are also responsible for inviting senior faculty.
  • ESDR covers accommodation costs for all participants and travel costs for ESDR membersIf you are not a member you may apply prior to the Academy.
  • Participants must commit to staying for the entire duration of the Academy and should travel alone.
  • All participants give oral presentations of their work and be expected to attend mentoring events.
  • Past participants are not eligible for consideration.


Arrivals late afternoon or evening
19.00 Welcome drink & aperitif dinner

07.30-08.30 Breakfast
08.30-09.15 Registration
09.15-10.00 Welcome and Self-Introductions Enikö Sonkoly (Sweden), Sara Brown (UK), Eli Sprecher (Israel)
10.00-10.30 Guest speaker 1   (20mn + 10mn discussion)
10.30-10.50 Coffee Break
10.50-11.42 Oral Presentations by 4 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
11.42-12.30 Breakout Session  #1    4 topics chosen by the mentees
12.30-13.30 Lunch (seated – mentors/mentees matched)
13.30-14.15 Presentation of Break-out #1 Sessions to Plenum
14.15-14.40 Mentor 1 Presentation  (15mn + 10mn discussion)
14.40-15.32 Oral Presentations by 4 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
15.32-16.15 Coffee Break
16.15-17.00 Breakout Session #2 Career and Leadership
17.00-17.26Oral Presentations by 2 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
17.26-17.51 Mentor 2 Presentation (15mn + 10mn discussion)
17.51-18.05 Short break and Group Photo
18.05-19.05 Presentation from Industry Partners
19.05- Networking program

07.30-08.30 Breakfast
08.30-09.00 Guest speaker 2 (20mn + 10mn discussion)
09.00-09.25 Mentor 3 Presentation   (15mn + 10mn discussion)
09.25-10.17 Oral Presentations by 4 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
10.17-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.25 Mentor 4 Presentation  (15mn + 10mn discussion)
11.25-12.17 Oral Presentations by 4 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
12.17-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.10 Mentor 5 Presentation  (15mn + 10mn discussion)
14.10-14.55 Breakout Session #3 Diversity
14.55-15.47 Oral Presentations by 4 Mentees (8 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion)
15.47-16.20 Coffee Break
16.20-16.45 Mentor 6 Presentation (15mn + 10mn discussion)
16.45-17.00 Closing Remarks and Outlook Enikö Sonkoly (Sweden), Sara Brown (UK), Eli Sprecher (Israel)
17.00 Break followed by Networking Program

08.00-09.30 Breakfast and event’s digest
09.30- Departures
Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága
10th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS 2024)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.17.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.20.
Helyszín: Austria, Vienna,
10th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, (EAPS 2024) will take place 17-20 October 2024 in Vienna & Online.
From world-class networking opportunities and learning new best practices to acquiring a global perspective of the current state of paediatrics, this congress provides state-of-the-art knowledge and connections that will transform not only your career but the field globally.
  •  Advance paediatrics
  •  Explore new science 
  • Gain hands-on experience
  •  Network & Collaborate
  •  Shape the future of child health

The abstract submission deadline is coming up on 8 April 2024 – send your research to make your mark in the field of paediatrics!
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság
2024 World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference (2024,EDCC)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.19.
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica
Címe: USA,
E-mail: endocrine@episirus.org
Szervező: Morris Silvia
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica
Címe: USA,
E-mail: info@episirus.org
Helyszín: JAPAN, 530-0000, N/A
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend 2024World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference (2024EDCC) to be held during October 18-19, 2024, in Osaka, Japan around the theme “Bridging Science and Clinical Practice”. This international meet (2024EDCC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Health. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Endocrinology, Obesity and Medical Associations.

2024 World Endocrine, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Conference (2024EDCC) is a premiere educational event which is designed to advance knowledge and expertise in endocrine and obesity that rotate between continents and are organized in collaboration with national and international endocrinology and obesity societies and associations. This International Congress 2024EDCC is going to be held at Osaka, Japan during October 18-19, 2024.The conference is targeted to the international Endocrinology community as well as other healthcare professionals involved in multidisciplinary endocrine, diabetic, cardiovascular and metabolic challenges
Focus Areas / Session Topics
 \
 Clinical Endocrinology
 Molecular Endocrinology
 Endocrine Oncology, Endocrine Connections
 Hypertension
 Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolism
 Obesity
 Cardiovascular Disorders
 Neuroendocrine
 Pediatric Endocrine
 Nutrition and Lifestyle
 Thyroid Disorders
 Reproductive endocrinology
 Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition
 Calcium and Bone
 Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology
 Environmental Endocrinology
 Clinical Endocrinology
 Endocrine related Cancer and Tumors
 Neuroendocrinology and NET (neuroendocrine tumor)
 Reproductive and Development Endocrinology
 Thyroid
 Cardiovascular medicine
 Precision Medicine
 Transgender Medicine and Research
 Endocrinology and Genetics
Target Audiences
• Endocrinologists
• Pediatric endocrinologists
• Neuroendocrine Specialists
• Reproductive endocrinologists
• Primary care physicians
• Thyroid
• Andrologist and Gynecologists
• Diabetologists
• Cardiologists
• Nutritionists and Metabolic Specialists
• Other health professionals, such as nurses, physician’s assistants, and other clinicians who care for individuals with endocrine diseases
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