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A tartalomból:
Measurement uncertainty: light in the shadows
Mario Plebani, Andrea Padoan and Laura Sciacovelli
Childhood obesity: an overview of laboratory medicine, exercise and microbiome
Olga Scudiero, Raffaela Pero, Annaluisa Ranieri, Daniela Terracciano, Fabio Fimiani, Arturo Cesaro, Luca Gentile, Eleonora Leggiero, Sonia Laneri, Elisabetta Moscarella, Cristina Mazzaccara, Giulia Frisso, Giovanni D’Alicandro, Giuseppe Limongelli, Lucio Pastore, Paolo Calabrò and Barbara Lombardo
The utility of measurement uncertainty in medical laboratories
Federica Braga and Mauro Panteghini
Do genetic polymorphisms in angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene play a role in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Giuseppe Lippi, Carl J. Lavie, Brandon M. Henry and Fabian Sanchis-Gomar
The current status and future prospects of precision medicine
Maria D. Pasic
Precision medicine in medical oncology: hope, disappointment and reality
Marie Bartoušková and Bohuslav Melichar
Laboratory practices to mitigate biohazard risks during the COVID-19 outbreak: an IFCC global survey
Tze Ping Loh, Andrea Rita Horvath, Cheng-Bin Wang, David Koch, Giuseppe Lippi, Nicasio Mancini, Maurizio Ferrari, Robert Hawkins, Sunil Sethi, Khosrow Adeli and The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Taskforce on COVID-19
Operational considerations and challenges of biochemistry laboratories during the COVID-19 outbreak: an IFCC global survey
Tze Ping Loh, Andrea Rita Horvath, Cheng-Bin Wang, David Koch, Khosrow Adeli, Nicasio Mancini, Maurizio Ferrari, Robert Hawkins, Sunil Sethi, Giuseppe Lippi and The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Taskforce on COVID-19
Diverse fragment lengths dismiss size selection for serum cell-free DNA: a comparative study of serum and plasma samples
Yanqin Huang, Jiayi Mu, Lina Qi, Weiting Ge, Xuefeng Fang, Yongmao Song, Ying Yuan and Shu Zheng
Quantification of plasma remdesivir and its metabolite GS-441524 using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Application to a Covid-19 treated patient
Jean-Claude Alvarez, Pierre Moine, Isabelle Etting, Djillali Annane and Islam Amine Larabi
Isotope dilution-LC-MS/MS method for quantification of the urinary cotinine-to-creatinine ratio
Katharina Habler, Michael Paal and Michael Vogeser
A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based assay to profile 20 plasma steroids in endocrine disorders
Zhenxin Wang, Hao Wang, Yingfei Peng, Fangjun Chen, Lin Zhao, Xiaomu Li, Jiaqian Qin, Qianqian Li, Beili Wang, Baishen Pan and Wei Guo
Assessment of antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence assay: report from a survey by the American Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists
Lisa K. Peterson, Anne E. Tebo, Mark H. Wener, Susan S. Copple and Marvin J. Fritzler
Evaluation of a novel extended automated particle-based multi-analyte assay for the detection of autoantibodies in the diagnosis of primary biliary cholangitis
Danilo Villalta, Andrea Seaman, Marychel Tiongson, Charles Warren, Chelsea Bentow, Nicola Bizzaro, Maria Grazia Alessio, Brunetta Porcelli, Gary L. Norman and Michael Mahler
Continuous, complete and comparable NT-proBNP reference ranges in healthy children
Jonas Palm, Georg Hoffmann, Frank Klawonn, Oktay Tutarel, Herbert Palm, Stefan Holdenrieder and Peter Ewert
Reference-mean-centered statistical quality control
Martín Yago and Carolina Pla
Top-down and bottom-up approaches for the estimation of measurement uncertainty in coagulation assays
Yong Kwan Lim, Oh Joo Kweon, Mi-Kyung Lee, Bohyun Kim and Hye Ryoun Kim
Tumor-associated exosomal miRNA biomarkers to differentiate metastatic vs. nonmetastatic non-small cell lung cancer
Ning Wang, Wei Guo, Xingguo Song, Lisheng Liu, Limin Niu, Xianrang Song and Li Xie
Analysis of EGFR mutation status in malignant pleural effusion and plasma from patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma
Seung-Myoung Son, Chang Gok Woo, Hye Sook Han, Ki Hyeong Lee, Young Hyun Lim and Ok-Jun Lee
Establishing the 99th percentile of a novel assay for high-sensitivity troponin I in a healthy blood donor population
Ingrid Hov Odsæter, Bjørnar Grenne, Gunhild Garmo Hov, Lars Erik Laugsand, Rune Wiseth and Gustav Mikkelsen
The clinically effective use of cardiac markers by restructuring laboratory profiles at Cardiology wards
Martin H. Keppel, Tobias Kolbitsch, Uta C. Hoppe, Simon Auer, Thomas K. Felder, Hannes Oberkofler, Cornelia Mrazek, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher and Janne Cadamuro
Lower nasopharyngeal viral load during the latest phase of COVID-19 pandemic in a Northern Italy University Hospital
Nicola Clementi, Roberto Ferrarese, Marco Tonelli, Virginia Amato, Sara Racca, Massimo Locatelli, Giuseppe Lippi, Guido Silvestri, Massimo Clementi and Nicasio Mancini
SARS-CoV-2 RNA identification in nasopharyngeal swabs: issues in pre-analytics
Daniela Basso, Ada Aita, Filippo Navaglia, Elisa Franchin, Paola Fioretto, Stefania Moz, Dania Bozzato, Carlo-Federico Zambon, Barbara Martin, Chiara Dal Prà, Andrea Crisanti and Mario Plebani
Rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients at the emergency department using routine testing
Steef Kurstjens, Armando van der Horst, Robert Herpers, Mick W. L. Geerits, Yvette C. M. Kluiters-de Hingh, Eva-Leonne Göttgens, Martinus J. T. Blaauw, Marc H. M. Thelen, Marc G. L. M. Elisen and Ron Kusters
Evaluation of eleven rapid tests for detection of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
Mette C. Tollånes, Anne-Marte Bakken Kran, Eirik Abildsnes, Pål A. Jenum, Anne C. Breivik and Sverre Sandberg
Development and multicenter performance evaluation of fully automated SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG immunoassays
Chungen Qian, Mi Zhou, Fangming Cheng, Xiaotao Lin, Yijun Gong, Xiaobing Xie, Ping Li, Zhiyong Li, Pingan Zhang, Zejin Liu, Fang Hu, Yun Wang, Quan Li, Yan Zhu, Guikai Duan, Yinting Xing, Huanyu Song, Wenfang Xu, Bi-Feng Liu and Fuzhen Xia
Evaluation of seven commercial SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection kits based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in China
Bingqi Wang, Min Hu, Yaping Ren, Xinyi Xu, Zeyou Wang, Xing Lyu, Weimin Wu, Ziyang Li, Xing Gong, Zhongyuan Xiang, Lingli Tang, Yizhi Peng and Min Wang
Blood sampling after COVID-19 − How to organize large scale phlebotomy services in the post SARS CoV-2 era
Niels de Jonge, Robert Herpers, Myriam Roelofs and Edmée van Dongen
Diagnostic performance of a SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM lateral flow immunochromatography assay in symptomatic patients presenting to the emergency department
Luca Bernasconi, Michael Oberle, Valentin Gisler, Cornelia Ottiger, Hans Fankhauser, Philipp Schuetz, Christoph A. Fux and Angelika Hammerer-Lercher
Urinalysis parameters for predicting severity in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Graziella Bonetti, Filippo Manelli, Alessandra Bettinardi, Gianluca Borrelli, Gianfranco Fiordalisi, Antonio Marino, Annamaria Menolfi, Sara Saggini, Roberta Volpi, Riccardo Adamini and Giuseppe Lippi
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio predicts the clearance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in mild COVID-19 patients – a retrospective analysis from Dongxihu Fangcang Hospital in Wuhan, China
Chi Zhu, Siyuan Yu, Huangwei Zhao, Hui Shen, Ji Yang, Liming Zhao and Wenjuan Wu
Low levels of total and ionized calcium in blood of COVID-19 patients
Fabrizio Cappellini, Rinaldo Brivio, Marco Casati, Annalisa Cavallero, Ernesto Contro and Paolo Brambilla
Is “light cannabis” really light? Determination of cannabinoids content in commercial products
Emilia Marchei, Roberta Tittarelli, Manuela Pellegrini, Maria Concetta Rotolo, Roberta Pacifici and Simona Pichini
Amino-terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide reference values in umbilical cord blood
Leire Cardo, Elisa Álvarez, María García-García and Francisco V. Álvarez
The new era of LED microscopes in immunofluorescence anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) testing
Maria Infantino, Mariangela Manfredi, Valentina Grossi, Mario Merone and Paolo Soda
The centrifuge brake impacts neither routine coagulation assays nor platelet count in platelet-poor plasma
Elodie Boissier, Karim Lakhal, Laurie Talon, Thomas Senage, Bertrand Rozec, Jean-Christian Roussel, Thomas Sinegre and Aurélien Lebreton