Newborn Screening will be held on July 20, 2021
The webinar will last 90 minutes
Register at: https://www.workcast.com/register?cpak=6240206181931124
Time Zones: Live presentations starting at 10:00 PM Beijing Time; 10:00 AM Eastern Time US; 4:00 PM European Time
Important: Please ensure that you carefully determine the time that the presentation will start in your global time zone.
To calculate this, you can use the time zone converter tool at: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20210720T140000&p1=157&p2=105&p3=33&p4=240&p5=176&p6=136&p7=111&p8=51
The goal of Newborn Screening is the pre-symptomatic detection of infants with congenital conditions so that treatment may be commenced as early as possible to prevent, or improve, the long-term consequences of the condition. In this webinar the speakers will discuss the different situation of the newborn screening programs in different countries.
The Webinar will consist of three talks (20 minutes each) and will be followed by the panel discussion - Registrants will be able to ask questions to the presenters.
Talk 1: Situation of Latin America in Neonatal Screening. Panorama in Uruguay
Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Queijo
Talk 2: Panorama of Neonatal Screening in Brazil
Speaker: Dr. Armando A. Fonseca
Talk 3: Panorama of Neonatal Screening in Spain as a model for programs with different degrees of development
Speaker: Dr. José Angel Cocho de Juan
Simultaneous translation will be available in Spanish