The ETD is a functional unit responsible for identifying and assessing emerging technologies and for translating the emerging and disruptive diagnostic and data analysis procedures from academic laboratories to clinical laboratories and from clinical laboratories to market.
We are inviting nominations for one Member position on the Committee for Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine (C-ETPLM) for the term of office 2022-2024.
Terms of reference:
The candidate should be able to demonstrate a real commitment and dynamism in Committee commitment to developing procedures and processes to improve the diagnosis and management of patients from birth to adolescence.
An ideal nominee is a candidate well acquainted with the specific area of Laboratory Medicine, with a broad knowledge of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and emerging Technologies. Fluent written and spoken English is important. One position within each IFCC Functional Unit should be filled by a Young Scientist. For the purposes of definition, a Young Scientist is a medical or science graduate working or training in laboratory medicine. He/she will be less than 40y of age at the time of the appointment.
The activities of the new Committee are on average approximately one half day per week. Most of the work of the Division is done through exchanges of correspondence and emails throughout the year. The Committee usually holds one face-to-face meeting of a one-day duration per year, usually during a regional meeting sponsored by IFCC, or during the International Congress of the IFCC when it occurs. In addition, the IFCC C- ETPLM will organize an International Congress of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, as satellite congress of IFCC WorldLab Rome 2023.
Nominations should be directly sent to the IFCC Office (colli-lanzi@ifcc.org) by 31st January 2022.
The information must include:
1. Name, affiliation, e-mail address of the nominee, nominee (along with a document of identity in case of YS).
2. A full Curriculum Vitae describing his/her professional and/or academic career (including a list of publications), particularly highlighting the issues which could be important for his/her selection.
3. A letter of acceptance of the nomination by the candidate.
4. A letter of support of the Candidate’s National Society or Corporate member.
Appointment will be for one 3-year term of office, which is renewable for one additional term.