Az EFLM a "3rd EFLM Strategic Conference - Smart and green laboratories" konferenciát online rendezi meg 2022. május 25-27-én. A részvétel az összes EFLM Academy tag számára díjmentes!
A részletes program és a regisztrációs link az eredeti, angol nyelvű hirdetményben található:
Dear EFLM Academy Members,
On behalf of the EFLM Executive Board, I would like to inform you that there will be no registration fee for the ~8 000 EFLM Academy Members to attend the 3rd EFLM Strategic Conference for their support, loyalty and collaboration with EFLM for several years.
We are confident to organize a great EFLM Strategic Conference with the largest participation in Europe and Global.
It will be held fully on-line using the state-of the-art technical solutions including virtual exhibition stands allowing chat and video conferencing between the attendees and stand representatives.
The EFLM Strategic Conference will be a unique opportunity for all the stakeholders to know, to understand, to question and to participate to the orientation of Laboratory Medicine in Europe and globally.
Global leaders and participants from the field of Laboratory Medicine, IVD Industry, Digital Health, Medical Devices, and Representatives from MedTech Europe will join the conference to deliver the latest Innovations in Laboratory Medicine, Partnership Model for efficient integration and adoption of Emerging Technologies (AI, ML, Integrative Diagnostics), preparations for the new IVDR, Cost-effective and Clinically-effective Laboratory Services, Novel Technologies and Clinical Research in enabling Precise and Personalized Medicine, Direct to Consumer Testing, switching to Green Labs, trends, opportunities, and challenges, they are facing.
A panel of experts will discuss what is needed to succeed in this changing environment and the role of collaborations between industry, public, private, and academic drivers of innovation. Their feedback, participation, and engagement during the open discussion platform at the Strategic Conference will be important and taken into consideration to steer laboratory medicine forward and to shape the future of our profession.
The Conference program has been designed trying to be interactive under virtual conditions reserving sufficient time for discussions. More in the spirit of strategic thinking: what are the problems now, what should we be aiming at in the future, where our focus should be, and how we could achieve that. The talks will be short, thought and discussion provoking and not like classical lecture type formal talks. We need revolutionary ideas that need to be implemented to move us forward.
EFLM is pleased to invite you to attend the conference and enjoy the opportunity to get inspired by some extraordinary colleagues, experts, top scientists in our profession, virtual cutting-edge high technology exhibition.
We look forward to meeting you in May!
Best regards
Prof. Dr Tomris OZBEN
EFLM President, EFLM Strategic Conference, Chair
Where is the MedLab industry headed in the next decade? Partnership model for efficient integration and adoption of emerging technologies and innovations (artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced and integrative diagnostics) in the IVD landscape into Medical Laboratories
Digital transformation towards the laboratory of the future. Perspectives for the next decade
Big data and how to utilize it to improve service, quality and patient outcomes. Training the next generation to collect/analyze and use lab data in a more efficient manner with more focus on post-analytics than analytics
Novel technologies and clinical research in enabling precise and personalized medicine.
Green Labs for improving environmental sustainability. What are the Priorities of Medical Laboratories under the EU Green Deal?
IVD regulation and the road to May 2022 and beyond. Preparation of the profession for the new IVDR
Strategic vision for laboratory services that add value. Cost-effective and clinically effective laboratory services– enhancing the value of laboratory testing with focus on major (acute and chronic) public health problems
Direct to Consumer Testing – what role should laboratory medicine have?
What do you expect from EFLM in the next years? Open discussion for the participants to join the discussion and speak openly about the latest trends, challenges and opportunities they are facing?