Megjelent az eJIFCC 2018 Vol 29 no° 3. száma.
Fő téma: Laboratory medicine – meeting the needs of Mediterranean nations (Part 1)
A teljes lapszám letölthető ide kattintva
1.) Foreword of the editor-in-chief (János Kappelmayer(
2.) Laboratory medicine: meeting the needs of Mediterranean nations (Guest Editors: Sergio Bernardini, Bernard Gouget)
Transmissible diseases in the Mediterranean area
3.) Communicable diseases in the Mediterranean region (Ghassan Shannan)
4.) Are medical laboratories ready for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases? (Ahmet Özbilgin)
5.) Travel, migration and emerging infectious diseases
(Nicolas Vignier, Olivier Bouchaud)
Training and education in laboratory medicine
6.) Is the profession of laboratory medicine uniform across the North Mediterranean countries? (Konstantinos Makris)
7.) EFLM project “Exchange of practical knowledge and skills in Laboratory Medicine” – EFLMLabX (Evgenija Homšak)
Improving health with emerging technologies
8.) Economic evaluation as a tool in emerging technology assessment (Nataša Bogavac-Stanojević)
9.) Who or what is SHERLOCK? (Ann M. Gronowski)
10.) Advancement in POCT molecular testing: the multiplex PCR POCT devices for infectious diseases (Alpaslan Alp)
11.) New solutions for the sample transport and results delivery: a digital lab (Damien Gruson)
12.) Next generation sequencing: from research area to clinical practice (Chiara Di Resta, Maurizio Ferrari)
13.) miRNA and other non-coding RNAs as promising diagnostic markers (Dorota Trzybulska, Eleni Vergadi, Christos Tsatsanis)
14.) Letter: NGS for metabolic disease diagnosis (Dèlia Yubero, Rafael Artuch)
15.) Letter: Reflections on the mentor-mentee relationship as a symbiosis (Josep Miquel Bauça)
16.) Letter: Inter-laboratory exchange of knowledge and technology around our Sea (Guilaine Boursier)