Tisztelt MLDT tag!
Az EFLM a krónikus vesebetegségek diagnosztikai kihívásaival kapcsolatos felmérést tett közzé. A kérdőív kitöltésére laboratóriumonként egy lehetőség van.
Kérjük segítse az EFLM munkáját a kérdőív kitöltésével, mely mindössze néhány percet vesz igénybe.
A kérdőív kitöltésének határideje: 2019. december 20.
EFLM TFG-CKD - European survey
Dear laboratory /dear colleague
We would like to invite you to take part in the European survey regarding laboratory diagnostics of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The objective is to explore the current practices in this area of laboratory medicine and to assess the compliance with the 2012 KDIGO Guidelines for CKD throughout the Europe, in order to create the first European Guidelines for laboratory diagnostics of CKD.
The survey can be accessed using the following link:
You may receive more than one invitation to participate in the survey but we would kindly ask you to make only one submission per laboratory. Please complete the survey within 2 weeks of the date of receipt of this invitation. The survey will be open until December 20th.
It will take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey.
The survey has been created by the Task and Finish Working Group on Laboratory Diagnostics of Chronic Kidney Disease (TFG-CKD) of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).
If you have any questions, please contact the Survey leader: Ana Nikler, ana.nikler@gmail.com.
Information on privacy:
Summary results will be published. Data obtained through this survey are solely accessible by the study coordinator and will be anonymized after the survey has closed. IP-Addresses will NOT be logged. We will use Cookies, so that you will be able to move back and forward while completing this survey.
Thank you for your contribution!
Vanja Radisic Biljak - Chair EFLM TFG-CKD (vanja.radisic@gmail.com), Ana Nikler - Survey leader ( ana.nikler@gmail.com)
The TFG-CKD Working Group Vanja Radisic Biljak (Chair-Croatia); Natasa Bogavac Stanojevic (Serbia), Isabel Cachapuz Guerra (Portugal); Etienne Cavalier (Belgium); Maria Stella Graziani (Italy); Ana Nikler (Croatia); Edmund Lamb (UK); Oytun Portakal (Turkey); Ana-Maria Simundic (Croatia); Tomas Zima (Czech Republic)