Dear Colleagues,
The result of the ballot for the election of the President-elect, to commence the term of office on January 1st, 2020, was concluded yesterday, September 30th, 2019. In summary 66 societies voted (out of 88 having the right to vote), giving preferences as follows:
Dr. Khosrow Adeli
(Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC)
received votes: 39 (59,1%)
Prof. Päivi Laitinen
(Finnish Society of Clinical Chemistry (SKKY)
received votes: 15 (22,7%)
Prof. Tomáš Zima
(Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry - CSKB)
received votes: 12 (18,2%)
Full details of the ballot may be found from the independent company that conducted the ballot: https://secure.electionbuddy.com/results/CL6AP9UZME3B
Accordingly, IFCC is pleased to announce that the President-elect is Dr. Khosrow Adeli.
On behalf of the Nominations Committee, I wish to thank all three nominees and congratulate the new President-elect.
Graham Beastall
IFCC Nominations Committee Chair