Dear All,
Kindly find herewith enclosed a letter on behalf of Prof. Philippe Gillery, Chair of the IFCC Scientific Division, and Dr. Parviz Ahmad-Nejad, Chair of the IFCC Committee on Molecular Diagnostics, calling for applications from clinical laboratories performing molecular diagnostic tests, wishing to be part of a molecular diagnostics laboratories' networks.
Further details in the attached letter, along with the applications forms.
Applications have to be sent to the IFCC office (paola.bramati@ifcc.org), copying Dr. Parviz Ahmad-Nejad (arviz.ahmad-nejad@helios-gesundheit.de),
by next February 1st 2020.
Should you necessitate any additional details or clarification, please directly contact Dr Ahmad-Nejad, as per above details.
Call for application
Molecular Diagnostics Centers Network Application form
Molecular Diagnostics Expert Application form