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Kongresszusok, rendezvények

Hazai kongresszusok, rendezvények

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)Evelina London Advanced Course in Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

    Evelina London Advanced Course in Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery the faculty have created these 2 FREE webinars to give a taste of what the course entails. 

    These interactive webinars each use FOUR clinical cases of children with complex orthopaedic disorders from our personal caseloads to discuss history taking, clinical assessment, investigations, differential diagnosis, decision making and overall management of their problems.

    Presented by the consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeons Gavin Spence and Michail Kokkinakis, and supplemented by short instructional sessions covering the key take-home messages, the cases will be available for you to view prior to the webinar to make your suggestions, ask your questions, and trigger discussion on areas of controversy and difficulty.

    The webinars are free of charge and suitable for surgeons and other health care professionals dealing with children with orthopaedic problems.
    Evelina London Orthopaedic Surgery Challenging Cases Webinars Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

    Időpont: 2024.12.09.
    Helyszín: Online,

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)Invitation Berlin International Shoulder Course 2025

    Dear Shoulder Surgeons,

    On behalf of Professor Markus Scheibel, President of Berlin International Shoulder Course, I would like to invite you to participate in BISC 2025. The next edition of this well-known, high quality expert meeting will take place in InterContinental Berlin from 23rd  to 26th of April 2025.

    Video demonstrations, live surgeries, mini-battles, ultrasound and cadaver workshops with leading specialists from all over the world – you cannot miss it!

    For shoulder surgeons from Eastern Europe we prepared a special discount for early bird registration – 500 Euro + 19% VAT (until 31.12.2024). From 01.01.2025, the fee will increase to 700 Euro + 19% VAT.

    So hurry up and take advantage of the special offer.

    Here you can find link to the event: www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/

    Final program of the course

    We cannot wait to see you at BISC 2025.

    Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.23.
    Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.26.
    Helyszín: Germany, Berlin,
    A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.berlin-shoulder-course.com/2025/

Külföldi kongesszusok

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)Török-Magyar Arthroplasztika Csoport 2. Konferenciája (Kappadókia, Törökország, 2024.10.18-20.)

    Török-Magyar Arthroplasztika Csoport 2. Konferenciája 2024. október 18-20. Kappadókia, Törökország
    Doubletree Hilton Hotel

    Csípő arthroplasztika
    Térd arthroplasztika
    A csípő ízület megtartó műtétei
    Térd körüli oszteotómiák

    A 2023 decemberi első találkozó alkalmával több mint 15 török vendég, és több mint 30 magyar résztvevő aktív közreműködésével megalakult a Török Magyar Arthroplasztika Csoport.
    A második talákozóra Törökországban, a csodáslatos Kappadókiában kerül sor idén októberben.
    Szeretettel várjuk a magyarországi résztvevőket erre a felejthetetlennek ígérkező 3 napos programra.
    Jelentkezés és további részletek itt zahar.akos@gmail.com
    További részletek az ide kattintva letölthető meghívóban

    Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.18.
    Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.20.
    Helyszín: Kappadókia, Törökország, Doubletree Hilton Hotel

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)43rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

    Dear colleagues, Dear Members,
    We started the organization of the 43rd CNOT, even before the 42nd was held.

    Having successfully completed our 2023 Annual Meeting, we have strengthened our focus on the 2024 Meeting and have dedicated ourselves to its full preparation and development.
    We still have a long way to go, with a lot of work, many projects and many new things to implement.

    But with everyone's collaboration, together, we will build an even stronger, more powerful, more important and more recognized Annual Meeting of Orthopaedics and Traumatology...!
    Algarve Congress Centre
    Apartado 65 Marina Vilamoura,
    8125-401 Vilamoura,

    More details, online registration and abstract submission on the website: https://congresso.spot.pt/en

    Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.06.
    Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.09.
    Helyszín: Portugal, Vilamoura, Algarve Congress Centre
    A rendezvény Web oldala: https://congresso.spot.pt/en

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)26th EFORT Congress

    In the year 2025, the 26th EFORT Congress will take place in Lyon, France from 11 to 13 June.

    In order to increase involvement and engagement with the National Societies we have moved away from simply inviting you to suggest topics, as this often led to duplication and repetition. Instead, the Science Committee has identified subject matter that is due for consideration after reviewing the most recent congresses and previous pending proposals. We attach a list of proposed sessions and now ask you to identify high quality speakers who you think can contribute to these sessions.

    It is not expected that you will nominate speakers for every session – only make suggestions where you can point out a high quality contributor. It would be helpful if you could indicate whether the person you suggest is an expert across the topic, and could act as the organiser/moderator, or if the proposed speaker has a particular contribution to the topic (or subtopic of the main session) which you can summarise. We expect that we will receive more nominations than can be accommodated and, in order to maintain balance between contributing nations, please do not be disappointed if we do not use all of your suggestions on this occasion. They will be anyway collected as part of a database of proposals for next EFORT events. 

    We recognise however that there may be ‘hot topics’ that you do not see in this programme but you would like to be included. In this case please feel free to add a ‘hot topic’ title (or subtopic of a proposed session) and if possible suggest a relevant thought-leader who could organise the session and select suitable speakers.

    For those sessions where you wish to make a suggestion for an organiser or contributor or the title of a subtopic, please complete the relevant bow before saving the file and returning to the sender. There is a box available for ‘hot topics’ if you feel something is missing that is timely and should be aired in Lyon 2025.
    This letter has been sent to a number of representatives from each national Society – please discuss your ideas collectively and return one form on behalf of your National Association before the end of next month (deadline 29th February).

    Submission of Scientific Proposals for Invited Sessions:

    Category Title of Session
    Musculoskeletal InfectionsManagement of Soft Tissues in Bone and Joint Infection
    Musculoskeletal InfectionsNew Diagnostic Tests in Prosthetic Joint Infection
    Musculoskeletal InfectionsLocal and Systemic Antibiotics in Bone and Joint Infections
    Spine incl. TraumaCervical Myelopathy – Timing of Surgery 
    Spine incl. TraumaUpper Cervical Spine Injuries
    Spine incl. TraumaSpinal Trauma in the Ankylosed Spine 
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaShoulder replacement in the under 55’s - is anatomical or reverse the best solution?
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaAlternatives to arthroplasty for the arthritic elbow
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaWhich ACJ injuries should I fix and how?
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaUlnar neuropathy - management at different stages
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaFrozen shoulder
    Shoulder & Elbow incl. TraumaVertical shear fractures of the distal humerus
    Musculoskeletal TumoursThe role of orthoplastic in musculoskeletal oncology
    Musculoskeletal TumoursInfections in tumour prostheses
    1. Infections in tumour prostheses: an overview
    2. Current possible ways and devices to reduce the risk of infections in tumour prostheses
    3. Chemotherapy and risk of infections
    4. Infections in peculiar tumour site reconstructions: pelvis and spine 
    General TopicsGenomics in orthopaedics - recent advances
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaPostoperative Mortality after Hip Fracture Surgery. Have we improved over the years?
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaPeriprosthetic Femoral Fracture with a loose stem: Fix or Revise? 
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaDisplaced intracapsular Hip Fracture in a 55y old healthy patient:
    - Fixation: when and how 
    - Replacement type: hemi or total
    - Replacement technique: cemented or uncemented
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaWorst complications in Sub-trochanteric Fracture management
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + Polytrauma“Floating Knee” injury: Current treatment options
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaOpen IIIC Tibia fracture with Bone Defect: Bone Transport, Induced Membrane or Vascularised Bone Graft?
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaWorst Complications in Tibial Plateau Fracture management 
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaCrush syndrome-Crush injury 
    Trauma: Hip, Knee, Pelvic and Varia Trauma + PolytraumaPelvic Injuries in unstable multiply injured patiens
    - Hemorrhage control
    - Damage control strategies
    - Definitive Fixation
    Basic Science Methodology/BiomechanicsTranslational potential of current pre-clinical gene therapies in Orthopaedics
    Basic Science Methodology/BiomechanicsFuture potential of gene editing to treat musculoskeletal diseases
    Hand & Wrist incl. TraumaHow to address fingertip injuries
    Hand & Wrist incl. TraumaThumb basal joint injury: from fracture to dislocation
    Hand & Wrist incl. TraumaAcute ligamentous injury in the wrist: awareness
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurDual mobility cups: monobloc or modular? In all primaries? In all revisions? 
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurOutcome of short stems: indications, advantages and limitations
    Pelvis, Hip & Femur3D and custom-made implants: when and how do we really need this demanding technology?
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurModern technologies and scientific evidence, communication with patients and ethical advertisement of clinical practice in Orthopaedics
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurRevision surgery for proximal periprosthetic femoral fractures
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurCementing technique of the femur in primary THA
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurModern prevention of non-septic complication in primary THA: leg length discrepancy, heterotopic ossifications, periprosthetic fractures, dislocation
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurThe future of robotic surgery around the hip: evidence and limitations, cost effectiveness
    Pelvis, Hip & FemurComplex primary THA in the sequalae of DDH: high dislocated hip, the shallow acetabulum with high hip center, post osteotomies
    General TopicsArtificial intelligence in Orthopaedics and Traumatology: where are we now in big data analysis, in diagnosis, in training, in manuscript preparation?
    General TopicsThe need of innovation and of preservation of well-established techniques in the era of MDR for improving outcomes
    Foot & Ankle incl. TraumaModern treatments for “hallux limitus”: how to choose? How to perform?
    Foot & Ankle incl. TraumaManagement of hindfoot and ankle in Charcot arthropathy
    Foot & Ankle incl. TraumaModern approaches to Lisfranc injuries: surgical indications, prevention and treatment of complications
    Paediatrics incl. TraumaEarly treatment of the sequalae of septic arthritis in paediatric age
    Paediatrics incl. TraumaTraumatic injuries around the shoulder in childhood and adolescent age
    Knee & Lower LegHave we forgotten peripheral nerve lesion in ACL reconstruction? 
    Knee & Lower LegThe bony procedures in patellar instability 
    Knee & Lower LegThe sagittal plane in Osteotomies  around the knee
    Knee & Lower LegThe post traumatic arthritic knee. From Osteotomy to knee replacement 
    Knee & Lower LegWhat’s new in meniscal repair or reconstruction 
    Knee & Lower LegKnee replacement and ambulatory surgery : European experience 
    Knee & Lower LegPain control after knee surgery 
    Knee & Lower LegManagement of the Valgus knee 
    Knee & Lower LegInstability and failed knee replacement
    Knee & Lower LegFailed TKA: preoperative diagnosis
    Knee & Lower LegExtraarticular deformity and TKA: conventional vs assisted 
    Knee & Lower LegTKA in the neurologic patient
    Knee & Lower LegPatelofemoral problems after TKA
    Knee & Lower LegTips & Tricks in Open Wedge HTO of coronal deformity
    Knee & Lower LegDouble Level Osteotomy : Indications and techniques
    Knee & Lower LegMeniscal implants and allografts: Do they still have a role ?
    Knee & Lower LegACL reconstruction: What is new ?
    Primary Repair & Biologic augmentation: A comeback ?
    Novel graft options: Is there a clear winner ?
    Pediatric ACL reconstruction: What is new ?
    Why do ACLR's fail in 2025 ?
    Knee & Lower LegTechnology in Knee Replacement
    Personalized implants in TKA : Any real advantage ?
    Robotic TKA :Image based vs. imageless
    Augmented Reality in TKA : Current status
    Sensors & wearables: Can they change the outcome
    Knee & Lower LegPatellar Instability: Current Approach
    Surgery for first time dislocation: Have the indications changed ?
    MPFL reconstruction: Single vs. Double bundle
    Fine tuning a tibial tuberosity transfer: Technical tips
    Trochleoplasty: Comparison of techniques and outcomes
    Knee & Lower LegAdvanced Cartilage Repair in the Knee
    MACI: a good option for large defects ?
    Single stage scaffold + cells
    Fresh osteochondral allografts: Salvage or first line treatment?
    Injectable cells and spheroids: New kids on the block ?
    Knee & Lower LegThe Alignment Debate in TKA
    Is there a role for Systematic Alignment Techniques ?
    Unrestricted Kinematic Alignment: Mid term outcomes
    Restricted / Inverse Kinematic Alignment: What is safe ?
    Functional Alignment with Robotics
    Have personalized alignment strategies improved outcomes & survivorship ?
    Knee & Lower LegEvidence based guidelines on Orthobiologics
    Orthobiologics for OA
    Orthobiologics for muscle injuries in sports
    Orthobiologics for meniscal repair
    Orthobiologics for ACL reconstruction
    Orthobiologics for tendon repairs

    Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.06.11.
    Rendezvény vége: 2025.06.13.
    Helyszín: France, Lyon,
    A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.efort.org/the-efort-annual-congress/

  • Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook)16th EHS Congress

    Dear members & friends of the European Hip Society,
    I am delighted to welcome you to the beautiful, ancient city of Thessaloniki, Hellas, for the 16th EHS Congress, 16-17th October 2025. Our topics will be:-

    • Paediatric & Young Adult Hip
    • Hip Preservation
    • Primary Hip Arthroplasty
    • Revision Hip Arthroplasty
    • Complications & Safety
    • Outcomes & new concepts
    • Robotics & New Technologies
    • Artificial Intelligence & Big Data
    • Registries
    • Regulations & Legislation

    The event will take place in the wonderful seaside congress venue, Thessaloniki Music Hall. From here, Mount Olympus is visible across the Thermaikos Gulf.
    Travel is very convenient and our airport has excellent connections to all major cities. The congress and hotel are just 20 minutes away.
    I’m looking forward to welcoming you to this historic and modern, vibrant university city in Northern mainland Greece. Please see the photos below for more info.
    Prof Eleftherios Tsiridis
    EHS President 2023-25

    Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.16.
    Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.17.
    Helyszín: Greece, Thessaloniki,
    A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.europeanhipsociety.com/2023/10/06/thessaloniki2025/

Korábbi kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése


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