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A MPHEST legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    1st Resident and Fellow Congress (Bruges, Belgium 17th October 2019)
    [2019.05.06.] - MPHEST - Hírkategória: Általános
    ISAPS is very proud to present the 1st Resident and Fellow Congress that will be held in Bruges, Belgium the 17th October 2019.

    This will be a great opportunity to learn from the experts on basic anatomy and surgical techniques. Time will also be spent on the more practical issues such as marketing and setting up a practice. Expert masterclasses will be held, focusing on areas in depth. The goal is to allow the future aesthetic plastic surgeons to mingle and mix with peers and make connections, share and compare problems and experiences with residents in training and fellows from all over the world.

    The EASAPS biennial congress will be held on the 18th and 19th October and combining this with the ISAPS congress would make a three day, not to be missed event, and EASAPS will also run some parallel sessions targeting residents and fellows, as well as welcoming them to the main meeting that features a dynamic programme on facial rejuvenation.

    Congress delegates are invited to submit abstracts of their scientific work for presentation as a free communication during the EASAPS Biennial Meeting, Facial rejuvenation (October 18-19, 2019)
    Submission deadline: 17/06/2019
    More information and online submission through http://www.easaps.org/bruges

    Early bird registration: before July 31, 2019

    Download invitation here

    We would be very happy to welcome you in Bruges and have you take part in this wonderful opportunity to improve your skills, create your future networks, meet experts and of course, have a lovely few days in this beautiful city.

    Course Director and EASAPS President
    Dr Ivar van Heijningen M.D.

    Chair ISAPS Education Council
    Dr. Paraskevas (Vakis) Kontoes M.D., Ph.D


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