3rd International Conference on Behavioral Addictions
14 – 16 March 2016
International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG)Geneva - Switzerland
Abstract submission deadline: 14 th of December 2015
End of early registration: 15 December 2015
Contact: icba2016@ch.kuoni.com
Please visit: www.icba2016.org
Dear Colleagues,
Many thanks to those of you, who have already submitted an abstract for the 3rd International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA) 2016.
We would like to give everyone the chance to share their scientific knowledge on behavioral (non-substance) addictions, thus, the submission deadline for abstract had been postponed to 14th of December.
Please note that this is your last chance to make a submission and seize this opportunity to participate in the ICBA 2016.
Kindly take into account that the online submission process is straight forward and allows you to save and edit your abstract until the submission deadline.
Do not hesitate to share this information with others who might also be interested within your organisation.
Looking forward to receiving your abstract, we remain at your convenience if you require further information.
Yours Sincerely,
Zsolt Demetrovics, Joel Billieux and Yasser Khazaal
Chairmen Organizing Committee