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    ISPRM 2022
    [2022.01.06.] - oper - Hírkategória: Rendezvényinformáció

    The 2022 congress in Lisbon will be the biggest PRM event in the world. For the first time the International Society Congress (ISPRM), the European Society Congress (ESPRM), as well as our own national Congress (SPMFR) will be joined in one only and incredible event!

    A World congress, a European Congress and a National congress together, as it should be in these times of union and friendship.

    We are proud to reveal the ISPRM/ESPRM/SPMFR 2022 Congress

    The dates are July 3-7, 2022 – Lisbon, Portugal. The venue remains the Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.

    More information >>>

    Registration >>>



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emo's statement on the central role of medical doctors