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MRT társasági hírek>>

Az MRT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Federation of Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting
    [2017.05.11.] - oper - Hírkategória: Rendezvényinformáció

    We cordially invite you to the Federation of Neuroscience Societies Regional Meeting (FENS FRM) organized by the Hungarian Neuroscience Society and the University of Pécs.

    Date: 20-23 September 2017

    Venue and location: Kodály Centre Pécs, Hungary (4. Breuer Marcell Sétány, 7621 Pécs)


    Abstract submission deadline: 30/04/2017



    Early Bird registration deadline: 30/04/2017

    Registration deadline: 10/09/2017

    Website: www.fensfrm.hu


    Scientific program: Besides the 18 Symposia, numerous Satellite, Special and Social events there will be 6

    Plenary lectures:

    Thomas SÜDHOF (Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine in 2013 for the “discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells”,Stanford University Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA) “Towards a molecular logic of neural circuits"

    Hannah MONYER (University of Heidelberg, Germany)

    ”Short- and long-range inhibitory neurones governing spatial representation and memory"

    Anders BJÖRKLUND (Neuroscience Center, University of Lund, Sweden )

    „Use of embryonic stem cells for dopamine cell replacement in Parkinson´s Disease"

    Akihiro KUSUMI (Kyoto University, Japan)

    "Single-molecule view of the plasma membrane organization for signal transduction"

    Attila LOSONCZY (Columbia University Medical Center, USA)

    "Imaging hippocampal circuits for navigation and memory" István MÓDY (UCLA BRAIN Research Institute, USA) "Interneurons in Alzheimer’s disease"


    The Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee (LOC) are looking forward seeing you in Pécs next year and wishing you all the success in your work!


    Dóra Reglődi (chair, Scientific Committee)

    Gábor Tamás (chair, Program Committee)

    Zoltán Nusser (president, Hunarian Neuroscience Society)

    Tamás Freund (Honorary President of the conference)

    Rui M. Costa (chair, FENS Forum Program Committee)

    István Ábrahám (member, Program Committee and LOC)

    Róbert Gábriel (member, LOC)

    Hajnalka Ábrahám (member, LOC)

    Boldizsár Czéh (member, LOC)

    Zsuzsanna Helyes (member, LOC)

    István Hernádi (member, LOC)

    Andrea Tamás (member, LOC)




MRT társasági hírek>>

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