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    International Central European ISPO Conference 2018
    [2017.09.11.] - oper - Hírkategória: Rendezvényinformáció

    It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the International Central European ISPO Conference 
    taking place in Portorož, Slovenia, from 20 to 22 September 2018.

    The International Central European ISPO Conference is an event which draws professionals engaged in prosthetics and orthotics as well as other different specialists in the field of rehabilitation medicine to share their experience and expertise in service delivery, research, education, and training.


    The Congress Scientific Committee has chosen a great number of different topics, with the aim 
    of looking at a broader perspective of the overall health of people with disabilities. We invite a number of world recognized experts to present the latest achievements and combine them with presentations of professionals working in the region and Europe. We hope to prepare a balanced and interesting programme for all.

    Apart from the comprehensive scientific programme there will be an exhibition of some very well known companies, but also some less known who have products interesting for the field. Without them it will not be possible to organize the conference. Please visit them and find out which new products they are offering us.

    There will be a number of interesting social activities as well as an opportunity to meet and share experiences with colleagues and various experts in the field. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Portorož. 

    Helena Burger
    President of the Scientific Committee



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emo's statement on the central role of medical doctors