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MRT társasági hírek>>

A MRT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Rendezvényinformáció
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    Online Master Course on Scoliosis Conservative Treatment
    [2018.12.18.] - oper - Hírkategória: Rendezvényinformáció

    We are proud to present the 4th Edition of our Online Master Course endorsed by the International and European Societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM and ISPRM) and under the auspices of the Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) - Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section.


    Adding the code ESPRM 2019 in the submission form notes all the members of the National Societies that constitute ESPRM will have the following discounts on the official fees:

    • 20% discount
    • 50% discount for members of National Societies of Lower-Middle Income Countries
    • 80% discount  for members of National Societies of Low Income Countries


    The Master is an annual distance-learning course for physicians from all over the world to specialize in Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment (PPSCT). Also other professionals can participate to increase their general knowledge. The Faculty include the most recognized experts in the field worldwide, including 12 past Presidents (out of 23) of world leading spinal societies international Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT), the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) and the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS). The 2019 edition will last 11 months from January to November with 12 modules and 40 lessons.


    To have a clearer view of how the topics are discussed in the virtual classroom, follow this link and you'll be redirected to a "Try for free" form to watch a recorded lesson of the past edition 2018 in the Course web site at http://www.scoliosismaster.org/



MRT társasági hírek>>

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emo's statement on the central role of medical doctors