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    Ezentúl megkapjuk és közreadjuk a Fizikális és Rehabilitációs Medicina Európai Társasága (ESPRM) hírleveleit
    [2013.06.08.] - web - Hírkategória: Társaság/tagság

    Az ESPRM (European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, www.esprm.net) 2013. júniusi hírleveleként a következőket kaptuk:

    ESPRM logoJune 2013 ESPRM NEWSLETTER, Exclusive Edition

       • Anagennisi Recovery and Rehabilitation Center of Thessaloniki S.A . is a Hospital for in- and outpatient rehabilitation. This institution is a Private institution. The following Languages are spoken at the reception: English, German, Greek.
        • the largest rehabilitation center in Greece , operating since 2005, located in Thessaloniki and is offering an integrated rehabilitation program for in- and out-patients with mobility problems of any origin. Qualified with ISO 9001-2009 and the TEMOS certification for international patients.
        • 230 beds and more than 200 employments,treats about 1000 patients a year.
        • with a team of specialized scientific personnel in following medical conditions : cerebrovascular accident (stroke), head trauma, cerebral palsy, paraplegia – quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron diseases, CNS degenerative diseases – ataxia, polyneuropathy – Guillain-Barre syndrome, myopathy – myasthenia, neural paresis, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neurosurgical – orthopaedic conditions at the postoperative stage, rheumatoid conditions.
        • Rehabilitation programs constructed for each patient individually, include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological support and social services.
        • Doctors and nurses speak English. External translators for other languages are available. All single and shared patient rooms (2-4 beds) are equipped with air condition, phone, TV, internet connection (free Wi-Fi and hot spot areas) and a nurse call system. Library and hair dresser, laundry and nutrition consultation are provided.
        • Disabled patients have access to all areas like the wards, dining room, toilets, beds, pool and other sport facilities like football, basketball, volleyball, BOCCIA, handball and ping pong.
        • At Anagennisi Recovery and Rehabilitation Center events regularly are taking place: wheelchair ping pong game, wheelchair basketball game; Christmas concerts and carolling and theatre performance to patients lighten up the days during the recovery time.
        • Patient transport is guaranteed by own ambulances and white taxis. The ambulances are equipped state-of-the art. The white taxis serve for the transportation of out-patients to and from the Center.



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