Tisztelt Tagtársunk! Az EULAR igen elkötelezett a színvonalas, standard európai reumatológiai képzések iránt. Mint az Oktatási Bizottság (ESCET) magyar képviselője felhívom a figyelmet az alábbi kurzusokra. A legtöbb esetben az EULAR támogatási (bursary) lehetőséget is ad. Különösen fontos, hogy minden nagyobb centrumból legalább egyvalaki, ha lehet, valamikor vegyen részt az EULAR ultrahangos kurzusán, melyet általában az EULAR kongresszus előtti napokban szerveznek. Mindenről bővebb információ található a www.eular.org megújult honlapon. Üdvözlettel: Szekanecz Zoltán Dear colleagues, We are delighted to announce the current EULAR courses available for you to increase / and update your knowledge in the field of RMDs diseases. Check out the latest offers and register now: EULAR Registers and Observational Drug Studies (RODS) Just a few more spaces are still available for this meeting taking place in Prague, 7-8 December 2015. The aim of this course is to discuss both practical and theoretical issues around running registers and longitudinal observational drug studies, generating output and understanding their results. Don’t miss this chance and register here >> 1st EULAR Course on Health Economics in Rheumatology The EULAR Course on Health Economics in Rheumatology aims to present the key principles of health economics applied to rheumatic or musculoskeletal disorders. The course will take place in Nancy, France 31 March - 1 April 2016. Deadline to apply is 11 January 2016. Check out all the information here >> 1st EULAR Immunology Course Are you ready to increase your skills in Immunology and apply it to your research? Then book your agenda 1 - 2 April 2016 for Lisbon (Portugal) for the 1st EULAR Immunology Course. This course is designed for young rheumatologist and researches as the perfect complement to the EULAR online course on rheumatic diseases and the EULAR postgraduate course, by consolidating knowledge in immunology in a more interactive way. Deadline for registration is 9 December 2015. Find more information here >> 5th EULAR Course for Ultrasound Trainers in Rheumatology This edition will take place from 5 – 6 June 2016 in Leeds, UK (as usual, right before the EULAR Congress in London). Learn more on our website >> 23rd EULAR Ultrasound Course (Intermediate and Advanced Levels) From 5 – 7 June 2016, the courses run parallel and will take place in Leeds, UK (as usual right before the EULAR Congress in London). Check the information now available >> Remember that EULAR grants 10 bursaries for each of these courses. With these bursaries, EULAR aims to contribute to the personal and professional development of young researchers and clinicians in rheumatology. We look forward to seeing you at EULAR Courses! With best regards, Your EULAR team Gabriela Kluge Education Programme Manager