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48th World Congress of Surgery (WCS) (Krakow, Poland, 11-15 August 2019)

A hír kategóriája: Általános

A cikk kelte: 2019.08.10.


The International Society of Surgery (ISS) / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (SIC) is proud to present the 48th World Congress of Surgery (WCS) - formerly International Surgical Week (ISW) - in Poland from 11-15 August 2019. Both engaging and insightful, WCS 2019 is unlike any other meeting. It is an excellent and affordable scientific event in the field of surgery that brings together the world's leading experts. Through the efforts of hundreds specialists, WCS congresses are vivid platform for scientific and clinical working groups that lay the foundation for future diagnostic and surgical challenges, discussing novel approaches and standards that allow the field to work together toward real-time and patient-oriented solutions. Website: http://www.wcs2019.org >>