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  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Mind&Brain 56th International Neuropsychiatric Congress (Pula, 2016. június 15-18.)
    Helyszín: Hotel Histria-Plaza 52000 Pula Verudela Croatia

    Dear friends and colleagues,

    It is with a great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the Mind & Brain 56th International Neuropsychiatric Congress to be held June 15-18 2016 in the beautiful city of Pula on the Croatian seaside. This year the congress presents an entirely different concept, elaborating three main themes: Neuropsychoanalysis, Neuroinflammation and Neurorepair.

    The final program is almost ready!

    The congress will include presentations from top scientists, discussions, cases and workshops. It is expected to gather some 400 guests from Croatia and abroad and will be a unique opportunity for all those involved in neurology and psychiatry to share experience, knowledge and solutions to challenges in clinical practice, as well as share the latest scientific achievements and explore how such achievements can be applied. Valuable prizes will be awarded to the best scientific posters selected during the congress. All accepted and presented posters will be considered for the Best Poster Awards.

    In the months ahead, we invite you to learn more about the program. All information will be available on the website: http://pula-cong.com/ >>

    On behalf of the INPC Kuratorium we wish you a warm welcome at the 56th INPC!

    Yours sincerely,

    Vida Demarin MD, PhD, FAAN, FAHA, FESO, FEAN
    INPC Secretary General
    Professor of Neurology
    President of the International Institute for Brain Health
    Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
