Kedves Kollégák!
Javasoljuk az
innen >> elérhető kérdőív kitöltését, és kérjük Olav F Münter Sellevold Professor dr. med. (Chairman ESA National Member, Board of Directors European Society of Anaesthesiology) kolléga úrral egyetértésben.
Dear Colleague,
The European Union has introduced new working regulations for doctors. The National Society of Anaesthesiology and the European Society of Anaesthesiology are interested to evaluate the implementation of these regulations. The main target group is residents in anaesthesiology.
However, all colleagues may participate. Please, note that it is of interest colleagues from all countries in Europe -
not only from the EU countries - answer the survey.
We therefore ask you to click the link given below and give your answers as precise as you can.
There will be absolute confidentiality. The initials are asked in order to avoid double answers.
The survey is one page only and will take you a minute to answer.
Thank you for your participation.
Best regards
Olav F Münter Sellevold
Professor dr med
Chairman ESA National
Member, Board of Directors
European Society of Anaesthesiology