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A MEAT legfrissebb hírei

POSTGRADUATE COURSE “GH and Growth Factors - Metabolic Disorders” Gothenburg / Marstrand, May 20 - 24, 2024

Szakmai 2024.01.17. 00:00 MEAT

The postgraduate Pituitary Course organised for over 25 years on the island of Marstrand, just outside Gothenburg Sweden, is running again this year on the May 20 - 24, 2024.

We expect colleagues to attend who are interested in pituitary diseases and are close or at the end of their specialist endocrine training or young consultants.

The course is usually oversubscribed, but we welcome every application and aim to select the best students from the most diverse country of origin.

Please see this dropbox link for the program and the application form, program also below: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1c1hf5kp7pmw3ux7cdmsu/h?rlkey=zgjmmhpxrod6wika4ukasy2ey&dl=0and