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A gyermekaneszteziológiai szakképzés európai irányelvei

FEAPA hírek 2011.01.05.

Approximately 20% of the population in European Countries are children defined as persons under the age of 16 years. However, in individual countries the definition of a child varies, for example in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands a child is defined as a person under 18 years of age. The delivery of an anaesthesia service to this group of patients requires that anaesthesiologists who care for children must have had a proper training in the management of paediatric anaesthesia and also have sufficient ongoing experience to maintain skills. 

Ajánlások a gyermek-aneszteziológiai szolgálatok szervezéséhez

FEAPA hírek 2011.01.02.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PAEDIATRIC ANAESTHESIA SERVICES IN EUROPE 1. Introduction The perioperative care of infants and children demands special facilities and presents a challenge for anaesthesiologists. The outcome of surgery and anaesthesia in children is closely related to the experience of the clinical team involved and it is recognised that surgeons and anaesthesiologists should not undertake "occasional" paediatric practice [1]. Furthermore, it has been shown that an experienced surgical and anaesthesia team considerably decreases morbidity and mortality in young children. There are existing guidelines in the United Kingdom [2], France, Switzerland Germany and The Netherlands [3], but there are currently no agreed standards for the European Community as a whole. Accordingly, in this document the Federation of Associations of Paediatric Anaesthesia [FEAPA) put foreword practicable recommendations. The aim of these recommendations is to set down desirable standards for paediatric anaesthetic services throughout Europe.