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MHT társasági hírek>>

A MHT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Servier Research Grant in Hypertension
    [2025.01.27.] - MHT Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: Általános

    The Servier Research Grant in Hypertension in the amount of € 30,000 is awarded every 2 years for a research proposal in the field of hypertension.

    A short research proposal (structure: title, background, preliminary work of applicant in the field, description of project incl. timelines and work packages, budget and references) should be submitted latest by March 15, 2025. A template is available on the ESH website.

    Applicants must also submit their CV and indicate the institution where the research project will be conducted.

    The Servier Research Grant in Hypertension is limited to PhDs or MDs under 45 years of age on July 1 in the year of the award.

    The ESH Awards Committee will carefully review all proposals and select the winner.

    The winner will receive the grant during the official Award Ceremony of the 2025 ESH Annual Meeting on May 25, 2025 in Milan, Italy.

    Research proposals and CV should be sent via email to:
    Mandy Elgner
    ESH Coordinator




MHT társasági hírek>>