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• Helyszín: Gyermekgyógyászati Klinika Bókay utca 54. I. emeleti tanterme személyesen és online: >> Magyar Gyermekorvosok Társasága hírei
[ 2024.09.27. ]
• Felhívjuk a kedves MGYAITT tagok figyelmét, hogy első (2024.09.09.) webinarunk felvétele regisztrált tagjaink számára elérhető a Szakmai információk...>> Magyar Gyermekaneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Társaság hírei
[ 2024.09.27. ]
• Immáron 28. alkalommal rendezte meg a Magyar Vese Alapítvány a Budapest Nephrology School-t (2024. augusztus 26-30.) a Semmelweis Egyetemen, melyre több...>> Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság hírei
[ 2024.09.27. ]
• Az MTT 2024.09.19-én tartott vezetőségi ülésén új elnököt választott az előző elnök visszalépését követően és az Alapszabálynak megfelelően.A...>> Magyar Transzplantációs Társaság hírei
[ 2024.09.26. ]
• Kedves MIT tagtársunk! Tisztelettel meghívjuk a MIT 2024. évi közgyűlésére, amelyet a Magyar Immunológiai Társaság 53. Vándorgyűlése (2023....>> Magyar Immunológiai Társaság hírei
[ 2024.09.26. ]
Linkek, dokumentumok oldalon belüli megjelenítése
Külön ablakban történő megjelenítés (gyorsabb!)
Kongresszusok, rendezvények
Ezen az oldalon hazai és nemzetközi rendezvényekről szóló információkat helyezünk el, időrendi sorrendben.

Tipp: A kongresszusokhoz különböző linkek, dokumentumok tartoz(hat)nak, melyeket a "kapcsolódó dokumentumok/linkek" feliratra kattintva érhet el. A felirat mögött zárójelben megjelenő szám a kapcsolódó anyagok számát jelöli.

Hazai kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete
CECR 2024 Central European Congress of Rheumatology
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.12.05.Rendezvény vége: 2024.12.07.
Helyszín: Slovenia, Ljubljana,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.cecr2024.eu/
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to the 14th Central European Congress of Rheumatology.
After eighteen years, this traditional biannual congress is going to be, for the second time, hosted by the Slovenian Medical Association – Section of Rheumatology.  In keeping with the tradition of the CECR, the rheumatologists from the member countries and distinguished international speakers are going to present and discuss their research and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatologic conditions. The clinically based sessions are going to focus on burning topics chosen by the member scientific societies.
For the first time in the CECR’s history, there will be a dedicated pediatric rheumatology session, a session dedicated to transition of patients from pediatric to adult rheumatologists, and an opportunity for patient organizations to take part. This time, the meeting will be held at Cankarjev dom in the centre of the lovely Christmassy Slovenian capital Ljubljana. Cankarjev dom is a cultural and congress centre named after one of the greatest Slovenian novelists and overlooks the national Parliament.
Alongside the thought-provoking scientific program, we will certainly find time for exchanging views and ideas, successful local practices as well as socializing, strengthening friendships and strategizing further optimization of the delivery of care to our patients in the Central Europe.
Extension of the abstract submission deadline until including 26 August 2024.
Please make sure to upload your abstracts for poster and oral presentations, including nationally selected presentations.
Take this opportunity to showcase your research at the CECR 2024 Congress in Ljubljana! 
Important dates:
  • Abstract submission & Registration - OPEN
  • Abstract submission closes – 26 August 2024
  • Acceptance notification – 15 September 2024
  • Early and Active Participants registration deadline – 1 October 2024

Submission Portal
Magyar Reumatológusok Egyesülete
CECR 2024 Central European Congress of Rheumatology
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.12.05.Rendezvény vége: 2024.12.07.
Helyszín: Slovenia, Ljubljana,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.cecr2024.eu/
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to the 14th Central European Congress of Rheumatology.
After eighteen years, this traditional biannual congress is going to be, for the second time, hosted by the Slovenian Medical Association – Section of Rheumatology.  In keeping with the tradition of the CECR, the rheumatologists from the member countries and distinguished international speakers are going to present and discuss their research and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatologic conditions. The clinically based sessions are going to focus on burning topics chosen by the member scientific societies.
For the first time in the CECR’s history, there will be a dedicated pediatric rheumatology session, a session dedicated to transition of patients from pediatric to adult rheumatologists, and an opportunity for patient organizations to take part. This time, the meeting will be held at Cankarjev dom in the centre of the lovely Christmassy Slovenian capital Ljubljana. Cankarjev dom is a cultural and congress centre named after one of the greatest Slovenian novelists and overlooks the national Parliament.
Alongside the thought-provoking scientific program, we will certainly find time for exchanging views and ideas, successful local practices as well as socializing, strengthening friendships and strategizing further optimization of the delivery of care to our patients in the Central Europe.
Extension of the abstract submission deadline until including 26 August 2024.
Please make sure to upload your abstracts for poster and oral presentations, including nationally selected presentations.
Take this opportunity to showcase your research at the CECR 2024 Congress in Ljubljana! 
Important dates:
  • Abstract submission & Registration - OPEN
  • Abstract submission closes – 26 August 2024
  • Acceptance notification – 15 September 2024
  • Early and Active Participants registration deadline – 1 October 2024

Submission Portal
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság
MANET Évzáró vezetőségi ülés
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.12.11.Rendezvény vége: 2024.12.11.
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság
MANET Évzáró vezetőségi ülés
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.12.11.Rendezvény vége: 2024.12.11.
Magyar Osteológiai és Osteoarthrológiai Társaság
Anyagcsere csontbetegségek Tanfolyam (Budapest, 2025.02.05-07.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.02.05.Rendezvény vége: 2025.02.07.
Helyszín: 1083 Budapest, Korányi S. u. 2/A, Semmelweis Egyetem Belgyógyászati és Onkológiai Klinika
Tisztelt Kolléga!

A Semmelweis Egyetem Belgyógyászati és Onkológiai Klinikája immáron 34. éve rendezi meg tanfolyamát „Anyagcsere csontbetegségek” címmel. A tanfolyamot 2025. február 5-7. között tartjuk meg. Ennek az oka az, hogy klinikánk jelentősen megnövekedett oktatási kötelezettsége következtében tantermünk a teljes januári hónapban foglalt. De hiszünk abban, hogy az időpont február elejére tolódása nem okoz gondot senkinek, főként, ha erre időben – most – felhívjuk a figyelmet. A tanfolyamon most is a szakterülettel kapcsolatos legújabb információkat szeretnénk átadni az osteológiával foglalkozó kollégáknak.

A rendezvény helyszíne: Semmelweis Egyetem Belgyógyászati és Onkológiai Klinika, 1083 Budapest, Korányi S. u. 2/A.

A jelentkezéseket a csatolt nyomtatvány kitöltésével 2024. december 18-ig kérjük elküldeni.

A jelentkezési lap letölthető ide kattintva

A tanfolyam díja 35.000 Ft/fő.

Ebéd rendelés lehetséges, amit külön kell fizetni (l. jelentkezési lap).

Regisztráció és ebéd ügyintézés
Máté Edit mate.edit@ semmelweis.hu,
tel.: 20 82586666

Szállás is foglalható  (l. jelentkezési lap). Ügyintéző: Perfalvi Bianka, bianka@emevents.hu
tel.: 70 5680855

Reméljük, találkozunk 2025 februárjában!
Üdvözlettel, a tanfolyam szervezői:                                                                                                                                                    
Prof. Dr. Lakatos Péter                                                              Prof. Dr. Takács István
egyetemi tanár                                                                           egyetemi tanár

Külföldi kongresszusok rendezvények
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ] 
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat Szakdolgozói Munkacsoportja
33rd EADV Congress (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024.09.25-29.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.09.25.Rendezvény vége: 2024.09.29.
Helyszín: Netherlands, Amsterdam,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://eadv.org/congress/about/
The diverse programme of the annual EADV Congress includes hands-on workshops, sub-specialty sessions, and industry sessions covering the full scope of topics, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin cancer, sexually transmitted infections, and many more. The exhibition hall will also provide opportunities for attendees to explore the latest technologies, treatments, and products in the dermatology and venereology field. In addition to the scientific programme, the Congress is a fantastic opportunity to network and meet like-minded healthcare professionals, interested in developing their knowledge and career, at Europe’s biggest Congress dedicated to skin and sexual health.

Call for abstracts: deadline: 2024.04.24. https://eadv.org/congress/scientific/call-for-abstracts/

Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság
EUVAS SYMPOSIUM at the Austrian Nephrology Conference
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.03.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.03.
Helyszín: Austria, Graz,
A rendezvény Web oldala: http:// https://oeghn2024.at/anmeldung
Welcome to the EUVAS SYMPOSIUM at the Austrian Nephrology Conference, Graz, Austria Thursday 3 October 2024 09.00 – 16.00

Venue: Campus of the Medical University of Graz, ‘Aula’, Neue Stiftingtalstraße 6


Registration is free, but required!

To register please send an Email to balazs.odler@medunigraz.at
• before 26 Sept 2024
• including your full Name and Affiliation
• and confirm that you will attend

You may also register for the Austrian Annual Conference held in German, fees are as indicated at the website https://oeghn2024.at/anmeldung
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
The Medical Aesthetic - Injectable Summit (Marbella, Spain, 2024.10.04-05.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.04.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.05.
Helyszín: Spain, Marbella,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://thinkin.fr/project/118-injectable-summit-oct-4-2024-1/
Registration: https://thinkin.fr/products/the-injectable-summit/attend/



Academics, clinicians, and industry executives dedicated to aesthetic injectables together in one setting? The Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS) is the very first event to accomplish such a feat.
From KOL physicians and academic researchers to C-suite executives and startups, all leaders in the field are gathering to delve into the latest research, market analysis, upcoming trends, disruptive innovations, AI applications, and more, to understand and challenge the future of injectables in skin health.
The Summit is a practical opportunity for you to develop your scientific and business knowledge in just two days.
Continue reading to see the program details!


Wednesday, July 31 is the LAST CHANCE to register to the Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS) with Early Bird rates.

$800 USD
$1,300 USD after July 31, 2024


The Summit is led by renowned physicians, scientific researchers, industry executives, top market analysts, and various experts from around the world.

David Amsellem Industry Analyst, USA
Pierre Andre Dermatologist, France
Rui Avelar Head of R&D and CMO, Evolus, USA
Abraham Benzaquen Dermatologist, Spain
Alexandre Brennan CEO, Fillmed., France
Pascal Bordat CSO, Kylys, Swizterland
Vin Bucci Industry Consultant, USA
Benoit Chardon CCO, Allurion, United Kingdom
Michel Cheron CEO, Laboratoires Vivacy, France
Denis Couchourel Scientific & Mktg Director, Vivacy, France
Daniel De Boer Executive VP BD & Strategy, Croma, Switzerland
Dirk Dressler PhD, Germany
Haim Dvir Founder & CEO, E.N.A. Impeccable Skincare Solution, Israel
Shimon Eckhouse Chairman, Alon Medtech Ventures, Israel
Jon Edelson CEO & President, Eirion Therapeutics, USA
Mutlu Erturan CEO, The Mage Group, UK
Yoram Eshel CEO, Kolorpen, Israel
Ferial Fanian Scientific Director, Laboratoires Fillmed, France
Francois Fournier CEO, HTL Biotechnology, France
Mary Gardner CEO & Founder, Delnova, USA
Anne Laure Gaudry Head of Innovation, R&D, HTL, France
Vincent Hunsinger Plastic Surgeon, France
Rong Sheng Jin PhD, USA
Anna Kadzhaya Head of Scientific & Clinical Dev., Aptos, Georgia

Ario Khoshbin President & CEO, Prollenium, Canada
Tim Lugo Industry Analyst, William Blair, USA
Stephane Meunier CEO, Hallura, Israel
David Moatazedi President & CEO, Evolus, USA
Hyoung Jin Moon Rep. Executive Officer, Hugel, South Korea
Miguel Pardos CEO, Sinclair, Spain
Marco Pirazzini PhD, Italy
Rainer Pooth MD, Germany
Alexandre Porcello Managing Partner, Kylys Aesthetics, Switzerland
Andreas Prinz Managing Director, Croma Pharma, Austria
Laura Reviellon Industry Analyst, BCG, France
Monica Rocha Dir. Clinical & Medical Affairs, Aqpha, Netherlands
Chiara Schiraldi PhD, Italy
Komal Ayah Siddiqi Aesthetic Doctor & Clinical Scientist, UK
Luca Stucchi CSO, BMG Pharma, Italy
George Sulamanidze CEO, Aptos, Georgia
Piero Tabarani Industry Consultant, Arazy Group, Canada
Raghav Tangri Industry Analyst, Cetas Healthcare, India
Tunc Tiryaki CMO, The Mage Group, UK
Karl Waked CMO, Augmented Anatomy, Belgium
Jennifer L Walden Plastic Surgeon, USA
Michael Yu PhD, USA
Zhang Qing Industry Consultant, Beijing Reg-med, China


The two days cover the entire ecosystem around injectables.
Day 1 focuses on Neuromodulators while Day 2 explores Dermal fillers.
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
The Medical Aesthetic - Injectable Summit (Marbella, Spain, 2024.10.04-05.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.04.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.05.
Helyszín: Spain, Marbella,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://thinkin.fr/project/118-injectable-summit-oct-4-2024-1/
Registration: https://thinkin.fr/products/the-injectable-summit/attend/



Academics, clinicians, and industry executives dedicated to aesthetic injectables together in one setting? The Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS) is the very first event to accomplish such a feat.
From KOL physicians and academic researchers to C-suite executives and startups, all leaders in the field are gathering to delve into the latest research, market analysis, upcoming trends, disruptive innovations, AI applications, and more, to understand and challenge the future of injectables in skin health.
The Summit is a practical opportunity for you to develop your scientific and business knowledge in just two days.
Continue reading to see the program details!


Wednesday, July 31 is the LAST CHANCE to register to the Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS) with Early Bird rates.

$800 USD
$1,300 USD after July 31, 2024


The Summit is led by renowned physicians, scientific researchers, industry executives, top market analysts, and various experts from around the world.

David Amsellem Industry Analyst, USA
Pierre Andre Dermatologist, France
Rui Avelar Head of R&D and CMO, Evolus, USA
Abraham Benzaquen Dermatologist, Spain
Alexandre Brennan CEO, Fillmed., France
Pascal Bordat CSO, Kylys, Swizterland
Vin Bucci Industry Consultant, USA
Benoit Chardon CCO, Allurion, United Kingdom
Michel Cheron CEO, Laboratoires Vivacy, France
Denis Couchourel Scientific & Mktg Director, Vivacy, France
Daniel De Boer Executive VP BD & Strategy, Croma, Switzerland
Dirk Dressler PhD, Germany
Haim Dvir Founder & CEO, E.N.A. Impeccable Skincare Solution, Israel
Shimon Eckhouse Chairman, Alon Medtech Ventures, Israel
Jon Edelson CEO & President, Eirion Therapeutics, USA
Mutlu Erturan CEO, The Mage Group, UK
Yoram Eshel CEO, Kolorpen, Israel
Ferial Fanian Scientific Director, Laboratoires Fillmed, France
Francois Fournier CEO, HTL Biotechnology, France
Mary Gardner CEO & Founder, Delnova, USA
Anne Laure Gaudry Head of Innovation, R&D, HTL, France
Vincent Hunsinger Plastic Surgeon, France
Rong Sheng Jin PhD, USA
Anna Kadzhaya Head of Scientific & Clinical Dev., Aptos, Georgia

Ario Khoshbin President & CEO, Prollenium, Canada
Tim Lugo Industry Analyst, William Blair, USA
Stephane Meunier CEO, Hallura, Israel
David Moatazedi President & CEO, Evolus, USA
Hyoung Jin Moon Rep. Executive Officer, Hugel, South Korea
Miguel Pardos CEO, Sinclair, Spain
Marco Pirazzini PhD, Italy
Rainer Pooth MD, Germany
Alexandre Porcello Managing Partner, Kylys Aesthetics, Switzerland
Andreas Prinz Managing Director, Croma Pharma, Austria
Laura Reviellon Industry Analyst, BCG, France
Monica Rocha Dir. Clinical & Medical Affairs, Aqpha, Netherlands
Chiara Schiraldi PhD, Italy
Komal Ayah Siddiqi Aesthetic Doctor & Clinical Scientist, UK
Luca Stucchi CSO, BMG Pharma, Italy
George Sulamanidze CEO, Aptos, Georgia
Piero Tabarani Industry Consultant, Arazy Group, Canada
Raghav Tangri Industry Analyst, Cetas Healthcare, India
Tunc Tiryaki CMO, The Mage Group, UK
Karl Waked CMO, Augmented Anatomy, Belgium
Jennifer L Walden Plastic Surgeon, USA
Michael Yu PhD, USA
Zhang Qing Industry Consultant, Beijing Reg-med, China


The two days cover the entire ecosystem around injectables.
Day 1 focuses on Neuromodulators while Day 2 explores Dermal fillers.
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság
2024 World Pediatrics Conference
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.10.18.Rendezvény vége: 2024.10.19.
Szakterület(ek): Gyermekgyógyászat
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica
Címe: USA, 19803 Wilmington, 3911 Concord Pike
E-mail: pediatrics@episirus.org
Szervező: Morris Silvia
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica
Címe: USA, 19803 Wilmington, 3911 Concord Pike
E-mail: pediatrics@episirus.org
Helyszín: USA, 19803 Wilmington, 3911 Concord Pike, Episirus Scientifica
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://pediatrics.episirus.org/
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend 2024 World Pediatrics Conference (2024WPC) to be held during October 18-19, 2024 in Osaka, Japan around the theme ‘Scientific advancement and exploration in Pediatrics and Neonatology’ accredited with CPD credits which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting child care and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields. This international meet (2024WPC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Pediatric and Neonatal care. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Pediatric and Medical Associations.

Few Topics which will be covered:

 Pediatric Biochemistry
 Pediatric Epilepsy
 Pediatric Genetics
 Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Pediatric Neuroradiology
 Child Nutrition
 Pediatric Immunology
 Pediatric Allergy and Dermatology
 Pediatric Cardiology
 Pediatric Psychology and Adolescent Medicine
 Pediatric Neurology
 Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
 Pediatric Emergencies and many more

Target Audience:

 Pediatrician
 Pediatirc Cardiologists
 Pediatric Neurologists
 Pediatric Researchers
 Pediatric Scientists
 Pediatric Nurses
 Pediatric Dermatologists
 Pediatric Faculty
 Medical Colleges
 Pediatric Physicians
 Training Institutes
 Industry professionals
 Researchers
 Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
 Therapists
 Emeritus
 Young Research Scientists
 Business Delegates
 Medical Students
 Device Manufacturing Companies
 Pediatric Associations and Societies
Korábbi kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése >>

2024. szeptember 28.
Vencel napja
Min / Max: 2 °C / 14 °C
Szélsebesség: 31 km/h

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