Az EFLM hírlevelének (EuroLabNews) 2022. január-februári száma, melyben az új EFLM elnök, Prof. Tomris Ozben is bemutatkozik, megtekinthető ide kattintva
A tartalomból:
Greeting from the new EFLM President
EFLM Executive Board informs
Interviews with past EFLM Presidents and senior EFLM officers
Coffee with the EFLM President
EFLM Office informs
News from EFLM functional units
Vacancies in the EFLM functional units
Updates on EFLM publications
Upcoming EFLM events
Past EFLM events
Changing of the guard in the EFLM National Societies
News from EFLM National Societies
IFCC news
Calendar of EFLM events and events under EFLM auspices