Dear Colleagues,
The next IFCC webinar: "High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin Assays – Clinical Applications" will be held on 6 April, 2022.
This webinar, organized by the C-CB, will address educational issues pertaining to high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I & T assays and their role in clinical practice. Evidence-based educational information will address their utilization for the detection and management of myocardial injury, early rule out of myocardial infarction in the emergency department, and diagnostics and risk assessment and stratification in patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of ischemia. Current guidelines and recommendations will be presented and appraised.
Specifically, Professor Jaffe will elaborate on the non-ACS myocardial injury patients, Professor Omland on the role of hs-cTn assays in the diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 MIs as well as address baseline concentration pertaining to risk stratification and short and long term outcome assessment, while Professor Body will focus on both baseline and 0/1h and 0/2 h rule out pathways to better manage and triage patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of MI.
This webinar comprises of three following presentations of 20 min each, followed by 20 min of panel discussion at the end where the speakers will answer to your questions.
Chair/Moderator: Prof. Fred Apple
Talk 1: "Myocardial Injury" - Prof. Allan Jaffe
Talk 2. " Early Rule Protocols" - Prof. Richard Body
Talk 3: " Diagnosis and Risk Assessment" - Prof. Torbjørn Omland
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