Művészeti versenyt hirdet az IFCC az alapításának 70. évfordulója alkalmából.
A laboratóriumi medicinával összefüggő rajzzal, festménnyel, fényképpel, illetve videóval lehet pályázni 2022. október 14-ig az 500 Euro díjazású első, globális versenyre.
The IFCC is pleased to announce the launch of the first annual Global Art Competition in honor of its 70th anniversary.
On behalf of Prof Erasmus (Chair of the Committee on Public Relations - C-PR) and the C-PR Committee members you are kindly invited to take part to the:
“First annual Global Art Competition in honor of IFCC 70th anniversary”
Submission guidelines: IFCC is inviting members to submit artwork which can include paintings, digital photography or videography that relates to the field of laboratory medicine and the vital role of laboratorians.
Please submit your name, contact e-mail, affiliation, country along with a short description of your contribution in English and a declaration that the submitted artwork is original property, created by the author.
Deadline for submissions is Oct 14th, 2022.
Submissions must be addressed via email to: ifcc@ifcc.org.
The subject of the email must be: “Art competition for IFCC 70th anniversary celebration - COUNTRY”.
Judging and Prize: All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of judges consisting of IFCC leadership.
The winning submission will be announced at the IFCC General Conference in Brussels and will be awarded with a monetary Award (500 Euro) that will be transferred to the winner after the event.
We hope that many of you and of your members will take part into First annual Global Art Competition.
For any further information, don’t hesitate to contact the C-PR at: ifcc@ifcc.org.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kindest regards,
Silvia Colli Lanzi