Dear Colleagues,
The next IFCC webinar: "POCT: Developing Community Resilience" January 18, 2023.
Point-of-care testing is the fastest growing sector of the diagnostic industry and will continue to grow rapidly as technology improves.
Recent infectious disease outbreaks have catapulted the concept of point-of-care testing (POCT) into the everyday lives of people living in these epidemic centers. The importance of POCT in disease management, as well as identifying healthy patients underscore the importance of POCT in limiting infectious disease spread.

This webinar comprises of three following presentations of 20 min each followed by 20 min of panel discussion at the end.
Chair: Prof. Adil Khan
Talk 1- "Real-life performance of rapid antigen tests for COVID-19" Prof. Julie Shaw
Talk 2- "The COVID-19 Spatial Care Path: Home, Community, and Emergency Diagnostic Portals" MD, PhD Gerald J. Kost
Talk 3- "How Point of Care Testing has leveraged Infectious Disease Management and Outcomes in Africa" Prof. Rajiv Erasmus
Schedule: 20 min per speaker plus 20 min panel discussion
Time Zones: Live presentations starting at: 11:00AM EDT-New York ; 5:00PM CET-Rome; 12:00AM CST-Beijing;
Important: Please ensure that you carefully determine the time that the presentation will start in your global time zone. Click here to convert to your time-zone.
Recorded webinar: available on demand
Certificate of participation: available for all registrants
Regiszter here!