Megjelent a CCLM legújabb száma (2019, Vol 57, Issue 12), mely tagjaink számára ingyenesen letölthető ide kattintva
A tartalomból:
The re-emergence of dried blood spot sampling – are we ready?
Zakaria, Rosita / Greaves, Ronda F.
The role of platelets in bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia and hematological disease
Vinholt, Pernille J.
Exertional hematuria: definition, epidemiology, diagnostic and clinical considerations
Lippi, Giuseppe / Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian
A protocol for testing the stability of biochemical analytes. Technical document
Gómez-Rioja, Rubén / Segovia Amaro, Marta / Diaz-Garzón, Jorge / Bauçà, Josep Miquel / Martínez Espartosa, Débora / Fernández-Calle, Pilar
Hereditary hyperferritinaemia-cataract syndrome (HHCS) – an underestimated condition: ferritin light chain variant spectrum in German families
Volkmann, Martin / Richter, Rudolf / Herrmann, Thomas / Hentze, Sabine / Hör, Michaela / Hasche, Hendrik / Selle, Barbara / Stremmel, Wolfgang / Gehrke, Sven G.
Performance of a web-based application measuring spot quality in dried blood spot sampling
Veenhof, Herman / Koster, Remco A. / Brinkman, Randy / Senturk, Enes / Bakker, Stephan J.L. / Berger, Stefan P. / Akkerman, Onno W. / Touw, Daan J. / Alffenaar, Jan-Willem C.
Clinical application of a dried blood spot assay for sirolimus and everolimus in transplant patients
Veenhof, Herman / Koster, Remco A. / Alffenaar, Jan-Willem C. / van den Berg, Aad P. / de Groot, Marco R. / Verschuuren, Erik A.M. / Berger, Stefan P. / Bakker, Stephan J.L. / Touw, Daan J.
Plasma and dried blood spot lysosphingolipids for the diagnosis of different sphingolipidoses: a comparative study
Polo, Giulia / Burlina, Alessandro P. / Ranieri, Enzo / Colucci, Francesca / Rubert, Laura / Pascarella, Antonia / Duro, Giovanni / Tummolo, Albina / Padoan, Andrea / Plebani, Mario / Burlina, Alberto B.
Liquid biopsy of cerebrospinal fluid identifies neuronal pentraxin receptor (NPTXR) as a biomarker of progression of Alzheimer’s disease
Lim, Bryant / Tsolaki, Magda / Soosaipillai, Antoninus / Brown, Marshall / Zilakaki, Maria / Tagaraki, Fani / Fotiou, Dimitrios / Koutsouraki, Effrosyni / Grosi, Effrosyni / Prassas, Ioannis / Diamandis, Eleftherios P.
Integrity of serum samples is changed by modified centrifugation conditions
Miler, Marijana / Nikolac Gabaj, Nora / Culej, Jelena / Unic, Adriana / Vrtaric, Alen / Milevoj Kopcinovic, Lara
Heparin and citrate additive carryover during blood collection
Keppel, Martin H. / Auer, Simon / Lippi, Giuseppe / von Meyer, Alexander / Cornes, Michael / Felder, Thomas K. / Oberkofler, Hannes / Mrazek, Cornelia / Haschke-Becher, Elisabeth / Cadamuro, Janne
Copeptin – a biomarker of short-term mortality risk (7 days) in patients with end-stage liver disease
Schneider, Christoph / Remmler, Johannes / Netto, Jeffrey / Seehofer, Daniel / Engelmann, Cornelius / Berg, Thomas / Thiery, Joachim / Kaiser, Thorsten
Comparison of a new rapid method for the determination of adalimumab serum levels with two established ELISA kits
Laserna-Mendieta, Emilio J. / Salvador-Martín, Sara / Arias-González, Laura / Ruiz-Ponce, Miriam / Menchén, Luis A. / Sánchez, César / López-Fernández, Luis A. / Lucendo, Alfredo J.
Measurement of α-dicarbonyl compounds in human saliva by pre-column derivatization HPLC
Wang, Xin-Jie / Zhang, Hong-Xia / Li, Heng / Zhu, Ai-Hua / Gao, Wen-Yun
Establishment of the intelligent verification criteria for a routine urinalysis analyzer in a multi-center study
Wang, Li / Guo, Ye / Han, Jiang / Jin, Jing / Zheng, Cuiling / Yang, Junxia / Xu, Jia / Wang, Jiaxing / Wang, Xiaowei / Hao, Yingying / Wu, Wei / Liu, Guijian / Cui, Wei
A new indirect estimation of reference intervals: truncated minimum chi-square (TMC) approach
Wosniok, Werner / Haeckel, Rainer
EGFR and EGFR ligands in serum in healthy women; reference intervals and age dependency
Kjær, Ina Mathilde / Olsen, Dorte Aalund / Alnor, Anne / Brandslund, Ivan / Bechmann, Troels / Madsen, Jonna Skov
Early pregnancy reference intervals; 29 serum analytes from 4 to 12 weeks’ gestation in naturally conceived and uncomplicated pregnancies resulting in live births
Friis Petersen, Jesper / Friis-Hansen, Lennart J. / Jensen, Andreas Kryger / Nyboe Andersen, Anders / Løkkegaard, Ellen C.L.
Paediatric reference intervals for 17 Roche cobas 8000 e602 immunoassays in the CALIPER cohort of healthy children and adolescents
Bohn, Mary Kathryn / Higgins, Victoria / Asgari, Shervin / Leung, Felix / Hoffman, Barry / Macri, Joseph / Adeli, Khosrow
Study of the analytical performance at different concentrations of hematological parameters using Spanish EQAS data
Molina, Angel / Alcaraz, José / Guiñón, Leonor / Pérez, Aránzazu / Segurana, Anna / Reverter, Joan Carles / Bedini, Josep Lluís / Merino, Anna
Multicenter performance evaluation of the Abbott Alinity hq hematology analyzer
Slim, Christiaan L. / Wevers, Brigitte A. / Demmers, Martijn W.H.J. / Lakos, Gabriella / Hoffmann, Johannes J.M.L. / Adriaansen, Henk J. / Kooren, Jurgen A. / Storm, Huibert
Fast 0/1-h algorithm for detection of NSTEMI: are current high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays fit for purpose? An EQA-based evaluation
van der Hagen, Eline A.E. / Cobbaert, Christa M. / Meijer, Ron / Thelen, Marc H.M.
Diagnostic performance of cerebrospinal fluid free light chains in Lyme neuroborreliosis – a pilot study
Tjernberg, Ivar / Johansson, Marcus / Henningsson, Anna J.
Quality management at the national biobanking level – establishing a culture of mutual trust and support: the BBMRI.at example
Haslacher, Helmuth / Bayer, Michaela / Fiegl, Heidelinde / Gerner, Marlene / Hofer, Philipp / Korb, Melanie / Neururer, Sabrina / Perkmann, Thomas / Plattner, Katharina / Sargsyan, Karine / Steiner, Eberhard / Stumptner, Cornelia / Walter, Ingrid / Wieser, Monika / Wutte, Andrea / Wagner, Oswald / Zatloukal, Kurt
Molecular diagnosis of MODY3 permitted to reveal a de novo 12q24.31 deletion and to explain a complex phenotype in a young diabetic patient
Iafusco, Fernanda / De Sanctis, Paola / Pirozzi, Daniele / Capone, Silvana / Lombardo, Barbara / Gambale, Antonella / Confetto, Santino / Zanfardino, Angela / Iolascon, Achille / Pastore, Lucio / Iafusco, Dario / Tinto, Nadia
Increased C-reactive protein values in the absence of inflammation: monoclonal immunoglobulin interference in immunonephelometry
Verbeke, Frederick / Lambrecht, Stijn / Lecocq, Elke / Parez, Jean-Jacques / Delanghe, Joris
An approach based on simulated hemolysis for establishing the hemolysis index threshold for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T assay
Trimboli, Francesca / Lucia, Fortunata / Angotti, Elvira / Antico, Giulio Cesare / Giacquinto, Lorenzina Carinci / Martucci, Maria / Mancuso, Serafina / Chirillo, Roberta / Britti, Domenico / Cuda, Giovanni / Costanzo, Francesco / Palmieri, Camillo
Utility of the icteric index for the management of bilirubin test requesting
Arbiol-Roca, Ariadna / Navarro-Badal, Maria Rosa / Allende-Monclús, Blanca
Quality control of monocyte volume and distribution width parameters of the Beckman Coulter DxH series
Schiavinato, Alvise / Petruz, Giulia / Poz, Donatella / Curcio, Francesco
Mozhaisk haemoglobin variant effects on leukocyte differential channel using the Sysmex XN series
Moioli, Valentina / Seghezzi, Michela / Previtali, Giulia / Baigorria, Maria D.C. / Dominoni, Paola / Michetti, Laura / Provenzi, Massimo / Giraldi, Eugenia / Foglia, Carlo / Buoro, Sabrina
Detection of a novel hemoglobin variant Hb Liaoning by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry
Xu, Anping / Wang, Yajun / Chen, Weidong / Liu, Guiping / Li, Xiaofeng / Li, Jie / Ji, Ling
Appropriateness of repetitive therapeutic drug monitoring and laboratory turnaround time
Sarli, Valentina / Ciofi, Laura / Lastella, Marianna / Muscatello, Beatrice / Pisaturo, Fioravante / Paolilli, Ombretta / Luci, Giacomo / Cucchiara, Federico / Pellegrini, Giovanni / Bocci, Guido / Danesi, Romano / Di Paolo, Antonello
51th National Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC – Laboratory Medicine)