Dear Colleagues,
The next IFCC webinar: "Traceability of measurements, quality and laboratory accreditation. Three topics of interest for clinical laboratory professionals in Ibero-America" July 20, 2022.
Metrological traceability of measurements in the clinical laboratory. The usefulness of measurements in the clinical laboratory is linked to reliability in terms of validity and timeliness of reported results, but also to their comparability. To achieve comparability of the results, it is necessary to harmonize the measures. Using the standardization tool implies the application of the concept of metrological traceability. Quality control procedures are indispensable to ensure the reliability of the results provided by laboratories responsible for serological screening in blood banks. International recommendations show the importance for inclusion of two types of control: (a) internal quality control (IQC) and (b) external quality control (EQC). Several professionals familiar with the issue of accreditation with the ISO 15.189 standard, several of them members of the Iberoamerican Nomenclature and Translation Working Group, collaborated to get updated information on the number of existing laboratories in their country, and how many of them public or private are accredited with Standard 15189. The result was very interesting, only three countries, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico have the largest number of accredited laboratories in the region, but its percentage in relation to the total of existing laboratories is still very low. This study raises interesting questions: What happens with Accreditation in Latin America, why do clinical laboratories not apply accreditation with the ISO 15189 standard? There are several causes, among them, they do not: follow the principles of quality, carry out an initial SWOT study, maintain a Deming cycle during the accreditation process. So each country has different political and economic problems, among other causes.
Chair/Moderator: Dr. Ana Maria Piana Ciurlanti
Talk 1: " Metrological traceability of measurements in the clinical laboratory" – Dr. Raul Girardi
Talk 2. " Quality control considerations for IVD of transfusion transmitted disease" – Dr. Amadeo Sáez-Alquezar
Talk 3: " Accreditation in Latin America with the ISO 15189Standard." – Dr. María del Carmen Pasquel Carrera.
The webinar will be available also in Spanish
- Schedule: 20 min per speaker plus 20 min panel discussion
- Time Zones: Live presentations starting at: 11:00AM EDT-New York ; 5:00PM CET-Rome; 11:00PM CST-Beijing;
Important: Please ensure that you carefully determine the time that the presentation will start in your global time zone. Click here to convert to your time-zone. - Recorded webinar: available on demand
Certificate of participation: available for all registrants
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