A CCLM 60. évfolyamának 9. száma megtekinthető ide kattintva
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine: enjoying the present and assessing the future
Giuseppe Lippi, Mario Plebani
Rethinking internal quality control: the time is now
Mario Plebani, Philippe Gillery, Ronda F. Greaves, Karl J. Lackner, Giuseppe Lippi, Bohuslav Melichar, Deborah A. Payne, Peter Schlattmann
Multi-omics analysis from archival neonatal dried blood spots: limitations and opportunities
Yuan-Jessica Zhuang, Yeukai Mangwiro, Melissa Wake, Richard Saffery, Ronda F. Greaves
‘Penelope test’: a practical instrument for checking appropriateness of laboratory tests
Simone Caruso, Dominika Szoke, Mauro Panteghini
Interference by macroprolactin in assays for prolactin: will the In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation lead to a solution at last?
Michael N. Fahie-Wilson, Christa M. Cobbaert, Andrea R. Horvath, Thomas P. Smith
Efficiency, efficacy and subjective user satisfaction of alternative laboratory report formats. An investigation on behalf of the Working Group for Postanalytical Phase (WG-POST), of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
Janne Cadamuro, Johannes Winzer, Lisa Perkhofer, Alexander von Meyer, Josep M Bauça, Olga Plekhanova, Anna Linko-Parvinen, Joseph Watine, Kathrin Maria Kniewallner, Martin Helmut Keppel, Tomáš Šálek, Cornelia Mrazek, Thomas Klaus Felder, Hannes Oberkofler, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher, Pieter Vermeersch, Ann Helen Kristoffersen, Christoph Eisl
Cross-reactivity in assays for prolactin and optimum screening policy for macroprolactinaemia
Thomas P. Smith, Sinead Kelly, Michael N. Fahie-Wilson
Repository of intra- and inter-run variations of quantitative autoantibody assays: a European multicenter study
Marie-Agnès Dragon-Durey, Nicola Bizzaro, Marie Senant, Hristina Andreeva, Dimitrios P. Bogdanos, Carolien Bonroy, Xavier Bossuyt, Catharina Eriksson, Nicole Fabien, Ingmar Heijnen, Manfred Herold, Lucile Musset, Liisa Kuhi, Marcos Lopez-Hoyos, Tímea Berki, Caroline Roozendaal, Ulrich Sack, Tatjana Sundic, Lorna Taylor, Andrea Tesija Kuna, Jan Damoiseaux
Stability of direct renin concentration and plasma renin activity in EDTA whole blood and plasma at ambient and refrigerated temperatures from 0 to 72 hours
Sophie Hepburn, Coral Munday, Kevin Taylor, David J. Halsall
Comparison of four different immunoassays and a rapid isotope-dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for serum folate
Lizi Jin, Youli Lu, Xilian Yi, Meiwei Zhang, Jiangtao Zhang, Weiyan Zhou, Jie Zeng, Tianjiao Zhang, Chuanbao Zhang
Analytical quality specifications in semen analysis according to the state of the current methodologies
Patricia Chenlo, Susana Curi, Julia Ariagno, Cecilia Etchegoyen, Raul Girardi, Gabriela Mendeluk
Short-term biological variation study of plasma hemophilia and thrombophilia parameters in a population of apparently healthy Caucasian adults
Alice Brochier, Antoine Mairesse, Pascale Saussoy, Christel Gavard, Sandrine Desmet, Cédric Hermans, Damien Gruson, Marie-Astrid van Dievoet
First morning voided urinary gonadotropins in children: verification of method performance and establishment of reference intervals
Yifan Yao, Shunfeng Mao, Ke Yuan, Minfei He, Minya Dong, Yandi Huang, Donglei Yang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Chen Peng, Yilin Zhu, Chunlin Wang
Derivation of sex and age-specific reference intervals for clinical chemistry analytes in healthy Ghanaian adults
Serwaa Akoto Bawua, Kiyoshi Ichihara, Rosemary Keatley, John Arko-Mensah, Patrick F. Ayeh-Kumi, Rajiv Erasmus, Julius Fobil
Serum free light chain analysis: persisting limitations with new kids on the block
Lieve Van Hoovels, Martine Vercammen, Louis Nevejan, Margot Cornette, Pieter-Jan Briers, Dries Deeren, Jan Van Droogenbroeck, Karel Fostier, Dieter De Smet
Age partitioned and continuous upper reference limits for Ortho VITROS High Sensitivity Troponin I in a healthy paediatric cohort
Joel Smith, Vasiliki Karlaftis, Stephen Hearps, Angela Chiriano, Paul Monagle, on behalf of the HAPPI Kids study team
The predictive value of hemoglobin to creatinine ratio for contrast-induced nephropathy in percutaneous coronary interventions
Sencer Çamci, Mustafa Kinik, Selma Ari, Hasan Ari, Mehmet Melek, Tahsin Bozat
Health technology assessment to employ COVID-19 serological tests as companion diagnostics in the vaccination campaign against SARS-CoV-2
Rossella Tomaiuolo, Umberto Restelli, Francesco Cosimo Faggiano, Chiara Di Resta, Sami Al Bitar Nehme, Francesco Giuliani, Pietro Derrico, Walter Ricciardi, Giuseppe Banfi, Matteo Ritrovato
Evaluation of a laboratory-based high-throughput SARS-CoV-2 antigen assay
Sebastian Hörber, Christoph Drees, Tina Ganzenmueller, Kristina Schmauder, Silke Peter, Dirk Biskup, Andreas Peter
Presepsin levels in neonatal cord blood are not influenced by maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection
Francesca Priolo, Simona Fattore, Marta Tedesco, Domenico Umberto De Rose, Roberto Chioma, Alessandro Perri, Simonetta Costa, Serena Antonia Rubortone, Maria Letizia Patti, Annamaria Sbordone, Luca Maggio, Giovanni Vento
How to evaluate fixed clinical QC limits vs. risk-based SQC strategies
James O. Westgard, Hassan Bayat, Sten A. Westgard
Reply to Westgard et al.: ‘Keep your eyes wide … as the present now will later be past’*
Mauro Panteghini
Platelet phagocytosis by monocytes
Mohammad Esmaeil Khedmati, Mohammad Jafar Sharifi
Early detection of Candida parapsilosis in peripheral blood as a result of a peripheral blood smear performed after cytographic changes on the Beckman Coulter UniCel DxH 800 hematology
Riccardo Lucis, Donatella Poz, Monica Poletto, Liliana Puzzolante, Assunta Sartor, Francesco Curcio
Pseudo-erythroblastosis on Sysmex XN hematology analyzers: a clue to Candida sepsis. Case report and literature review
Antonio La Gioia, Manuela Basile, Fabiana Fiorini, Elisabetta Andreoli, Domenico Salamone, Marcello Fiorini
Covert poisoning with difenacoum: diagnosis and follow-up difficulties
Kitel Caroline, Jaillette Emmanuelle, Zawadzki Christophe, Azzouz Ramy, Lenski Marie
Comparison of Sebia Capillarys 3-OCTA with the Tosoh Bioscience HLC®-723G8 method for A1C testing with focus on analytical interferences and variant detection
Anne Marie Dupuy, Stéphanie Badiou, Justine Marrolley, Maelle Plawecki, Patricia Aguilar-Martinez, Jean Paul Cristol