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Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    IFCC 2018 évi felmérés
    2018.05.24. - MLDT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Minden MLDT tagot kérünk, hogy a linken található kérdőív kitöltésével segítse az IFCC munkáját.

    The Annual IFCC Survey has been developed by CPD and the Committee on Public Relations to survey the membership across the organization and seek input on the impact and effectiveness of IFCC publications, scientific and educational programs, and various IFCC activities globally. The results of the survey will be analysed and published in the IFCC newsletter annually. The data will also be made available on the IFCC website and presented at IFCC regional conferences.

    The questionnaire should take five to ten minutes of your time and your participation will be greatly appreciated. The answers will be kept strictly confidential and only used for the purposes of this research.

    Please circulate this survey to your society members. Each individual society member should complete and submit the survey.
    https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IFCC-Membership_2018 >>

    Deadline for submission is: 15 June 2018.

    Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    Best regards,

    Silvia Colli Lanzi

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