Magyar Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Társaság |
II. Obezitológiai Továbbképző Tanfolyam |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.04.26. | Rendezvény vége: 2025.04.26. |
Helyszín: 1083 Budapest, Korányi S. u. 2/a, Semmelweis Egyetem Szak- és Továbbképzési Központ |
OBEZITOLÓGIA IRÁNT ÉRDEKLŐDŐ KEDVES KOLLÉGÁIM! Az elhízás világjárvánnyá vált és a XXI. század talán legnagyobb népegészségügyi kihívása lett. A túlsúly és az elhízás a leggyakoribb metabolikus betegség, mely a felnőtt népesség mellett sajnos a gyermekek körében is járványszerűen terjed. Az elhízás olyan krónikus megbetegedés, amely a test kórosan megnövekedett zsírtartalmával jár. Az elhízás utóbbi évtizedekben tapasztalt gyors terjedéséért a genetikai tényezők helyett leginkább a táplálkozási- és életmód-változások tehetők felelőssé. Az elhízás komplex multifaktoriális krónikus megbetegedés, ami a genotípus és a környezeti hatások interakciója nyomán fejlődik ki; szociális, viselkedésbeli, kulturális, pszichés, metabolikus és genetikai tényezők egyaránt közrejátszanak benne. Az elhízás gyakorisága 1990-óta megduplázódott a legtöbb európai országban és hazánkban is. 2021-ben a magyar populációban férfiaknál a túlsúly 40%-ban, az elhízás 32%-ban volt jelen, míg nőknél mindkét kategória közel 32%-ban. Az elmúlt 50 évben a kalória bevitel több mint 20%-kal nőtt. A 2-es típusú cukorbetegek 80%-a, az iszkémiás szívbetegek 35%-a, a hipertóniások 55%-a, a depressziósok 20-40%-a túlsúlyos, így nem meglepő, hogy 30%-kal több az egészségügyi költség túlsúly esetén, mint normál testsúlyúaknál. Továbbképzésünk kiváló hazai előadói az obezitológia különböző aspektusait bemutatva tartanak előadásokat, hozzájárulva az ismeretek bővítéséhez.
Dr. habil. Barna Istvánklinikai főorvos SE Obezitológiai Centrum
Helyszín: Semmelweis Egyetem Szak- és Továbbképzési Központ (1083 Budapest, Korányi S. u. 2/a) Időpont: 2025. április 26. 8:30-16:00
14 pont szabadon választható kreditpont 1. belgyógyászat 2. diabetológus 3. endokrinológia és anyagcsere-betegségek 4. háziorvostan számára. |
Magyar Neuroszonológiai Társaság |
2025 World Pediatrics Conference |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11. |
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org |
Szervező: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org |
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://pediatrics.episirus.org/world-pediatrics-conference/ |
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend the 2025 World Paediatrics Conference (2025WPC) which is going to be held during October 10–11, 2025, in Singapore around the theme ‘Innovating Pediatric Care for a Healthier Future’ accredited with CPD credits which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting child care and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields. This international meet (2025WPC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Pediatric and Neonatal care. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Pediatric and Medical Associations.
Few Topics which will be covered:
Pediatric Biochemistry
Pediatric Epilepsy
Pediatric Genetics
Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Pediatric Neuroradiology
Child Nutrition
Pediatric Immunology
Pediatric Allergy and Dermatology
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Psychology and Adolescent Medicine
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Pediatric Emergencies and many more
Target Audience:
Pediatirc Cardiologists
Pediatric Neurologists
Pediatric Researchers
Pediatric Scientists
Pediatric Nurses
Pediatric Dermatologists
Pediatric Faculty
Medical Colleges
Pediatric Physicians
Training Institutes
Industry professionals
Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
Young Research Scientists
Business Delegates
Medical Students
Device Manufacturing Companies
Pediatric Associations and Societies |
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság |
2025 World Pediatrics Conference |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11. |
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org |
Szervező: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: pediatriccongress@episirus.org |
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://pediatrics.episirus.org/world-pediatrics-conference/ |
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend the 2025 World Paediatrics Conference (2025WPC) which is going to be held during October 10–11, 2025, in Singapore around the theme ‘Innovating Pediatric Care for a Healthier Future’ accredited with CPD credits which enable the professionals from worldwide to exchange their views on a wide variety of topics affecting child care and those suffering from pediatric diseases around the world. Since Genetic variance, developmental issues and Congenital defects are of a greater concern to pediatricians, we will be exploring more into these fields. This international meet (2025WPC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Pediatric and Neonatal care. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Pediatric and Medical Associations.
Few Topics which will be covered:
Pediatric Biochemistry
Pediatric Epilepsy
Pediatric Genetics
Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Pediatric Neuroradiology
Child Nutrition
Pediatric Immunology
Pediatric Allergy and Dermatology
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Psychology and Adolescent Medicine
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Pediatric Emergencies and many more
Target Audience:
Pediatirc Cardiologists
Pediatric Neurologists
Pediatric Researchers
Pediatric Scientists
Pediatric Nurses
Pediatric Dermatologists
Pediatric Faculty
Medical Colleges
Pediatric Physicians
Training Institutes
Industry professionals
Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
Young Research Scientists
Business Delegates
Medical Students
Device Manufacturing Companies
Pediatric Associations and Societies |
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság |
2025World Critical Care and Anesthesiology Conference (2025WCAC) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11. |
Tudományos információ: Brown Emma |
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica |
Címe: USA, 19803 Wilmington, 1521 Concord Pike Ste |
Tel: +1 302 440 1610 |
E-mail: criticalcare@episirus.org |
Szervező: Brown Emma |
Munkahely neve: Episirus Scientifica |
Címe: USA, 19803 Wilmington, 1521 Concord Pike Ste |
Tel: +1 302 440 1610 |
Fax: NA |
E-mail: criticalcare@episirus.org |
Helyszín: Singapore, Singapore |
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend 2025 World Critical Care and Anesthesiology Conference (2025WCAC) to be held during October 10-11, 2025 in Singapore around the theme ‘Advancing Patient Care in a Rapidly Evolving Field: Critical care and Anesthesia’. This international meet (2025WCAC) anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference is perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Critical Care and Anesthesiology. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class critical care, Anesthesia, trauma and Medical Associations.
2025 World Critical Care & Anesthesiology Conference (2025WCAC) is a premiere educational event which is designed to advance knowledge and expertise in trauma and critical care that rotate between continents and are organized in collaboration with national and international Anesthesiologic, Pulmonary, Thoracic and Critical Care societies and associations. This International Congress 2025 World Critical Care & Anesthesiology Conference, October 10-11, 2025 in Singapore. The conference is targeted to the international Critical Care Medicine community as well as other healthcare professionals involved in multidisciplinary critical care surgical challenges; For every community, there continues to be a need for surgical and medical teams to evaluate and treat the severely injured patients. It is appropriate that this Critical Care and Anesthesiology Conference Congress take the action of leading a continuing education venue for the complex operative and critical care surgical challenges and become the epitome of such series. 2025 The World Critical Care & Anesthesiology Conference (2025WCAC) will be organized around the theme “Advancing Patient Care in a Rapidly Evolving Field: Critical care and Anesthesia”
Few Topics which will be covered:
• Critical Care and Anesthetic Challenges
• Advances in Critical Care Technology
• Anesthesia for high-risk patients
• Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
• Trauma and Anesthesiology
• Trauma Intensive Care
• Interventional Pulmonology
• Obstetric Anaesthesia
• Transplant Anesthesia
• Perioperative & Ambulatory Anaesthesia
• Pain and Regional Anesthesia
• Thoracic Surgery and Cardiac Anesthesia
• Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Critical care
• Neuro Anesthesia and Neurocritical care
• ICU Management and Practice
• Pulmonary Hypertension
• Cardiac, Thoracic & Vascular
• Respiratory Care
• Neuroscience
• Global Health, Education and Development
• Research, Safety, Quality, and Sustainability
• Technology, Pharmacology & Artificial Intelligence
Target Audience:
Critical care and trauma surgeons
General surgeons
Emergency physicians
Trauma coordinators
Surgical residents
Thoracic surgeons and cardiologists
Trauma and Critical Care Nurses
Physician assistants
Allergist & immunologist
Respiratory care specialists
Advocates and researchers in public health and health promotion administrators
Training Institutes
Industry professionals
Fellows or Postdoctoral Students
Young Research Scientists
Business Delegates
Medical Students
Device Manufacturing Companies
Associations and Societies
Magyar Fejfájás Társaság |
2025 World Neuroscience and Psychiatry Conference (2025WNPC) |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.10. | Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.11. |
Tudományos információ: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: neuroscience@episirus.org |
Szervező: Morris Silvia |
Címe: Singapore, |
E-mail: neuroscience@episirus.org |
Helyszín: Singapore, Episirus Scientifica |
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://neuroscience.episirus.org/ |
Episirus Scientifica welcomes you to attend 2025 World Neuroscience and Psychiatry Conference (2025WNPC) held during October 10-11,2025 in Singapore with the theme “Shaping the Future of Mental Health and Neuroscience”. This international meet anticipates hundreds of participants including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presenters besides delegates around the world. This conference is perhaps a giant event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current advancements involved in Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Neurology. It will be a wonderful opportunity for all the delegates as it provides an international networking opportunity to collaborate with the world-class Neurology, Mental Health and Medical Associations.
Scientific Sessions:
Neuroscience and Neurology
Mental Plasticity & Development
Stress Neuroscience and the Neurobiology
Brain Injury
Stroke and Trauma
Controversies in Neurology
Neurological Disorders
Pediatric Neurology
Adult Neurogenesis and Cell Biology
Ageing and Dementia, Alzheimer Disease
Target Audience
• Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuroscientists, and Researchers
• Neurology Faculty and Students
• Doctors and Scientists
• Universities, Associations, and Societies
• Students and Research Scholars
• Business Delegates
• Product Manufacturer
• Psychiatrists and Psychologists |