A Csont-Ízületi Betegségek Korai Felismeréséért Alapítvány |
ESMRMB School of MRI Clinical Course |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2003.08.28. | Rendezvény vége: 2003.08.30. |
E-mail: office@esmrmb.org |
Helyszín: Aarhus, Denmark |
Advanced Neuro Imaging - Diffusion, Perfusion, Spectroscopy
The aim of this course is to convey in-depth knowledge about advanced neuro-functional MR techniques. The specific techniques that will be covered are Perfusion, Diffusion and Spectroscopy. During the last decade, these techniques have matured and are now frequently incorporated into daily clinical work. Furthermore, significant progress in the development of refined techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging has been made during the last few years. The course will offer an overview of present methodology as well as promising new methods in the field using a mixture of lectures and smool group exercises. We are happy to welcome you to this course in Aarhus, Denmark where European experts in this field will be given the opportunity to share their knowledge with you. |