doki.NET |
Eighteenth Meeting of the European Neurological Society |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.06.07. | Rendezvény vége: 2008.06.11. |
Tudományos információ: Prof. C. Desnuelle |
Munkahely neve: Hôpital de l’Archet 1, CHU de Nice |
Címe: Route St. Antoine de Ginest. 151
F-06202 Nice |
Tel: 33 4 92 03 55 05 |
Fax: 33 4 92 03 58 92 |
E-mail: desnuelle.c@chu-nice.fr |
Munkahely neve: c/o AKM Congress Service |
Címe: Association House
CH-4002 Basel / Switzerland |
Tel: +41 (0) 61 686 77 77 |
Fax: +41 (0) 61 686 77 88 |
E-mail: info@akm.ch |
Helyszín: France, 06302 Nice Acropolis Congress Center, Esplanade Kennedy BP 4083,Nice |
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.akm.ch/ens2008/ |
Magyar Élet- és Egészségbiztosítási Orvostani Társaság |
Rendezvény kezdete: 2008.06.05. | Rendezvény vége: 2008.06.07. |
Helyszín: |
European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security
XVIIth Congress
Chronic diseases – their impact on healthcare and social
security, including economical aspects
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to attend the XVIIth EUMASS Congress which will take place from 5 to 7 June 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic, in the Prague Congress Centre, which is well equipped for the occasion. It enjoys a unique location on one of Pragueʼs hills and gives a wonderful view of Pragueʼs panorama.
The beautiful city of Prague is at its best in June and you are most likely to be embraced by its charms. Prague fascinates its visitors by an unusual liaison of history and modern life, the city provides no end of cultural and social events and last but not least you may be pleasantly surprised by Czech cuisine. We hope that both congress delegates and accompanying persons will also enjoy the social programme arranged for the occasion and that they will return home scientifically and socially enriched.
The organising committee, in collaboration with the EUMASS Council will do their best to have an engaging scientific programme prepared. We hope to create a friendly atmosphere for our deliberations and we wish the participants could take home a great number of unforgettable memories.
The principle theme will be:Chronic diseases – their impact on healthcare and social security, including economical aspects
Additional themes will be addressed in free lectures during the Congress. The free lectures will be given in simultaneous, themed sessions.
Provisionally, the organising committee proposes following themes:
● the main medical causes of work incapacity
● professional illness and work injuries
● postgraduate education of medical advisors
● mental diseases and long term work incapacity
● evaluation of functional capacity (ICF), examination, rehabilitation
We welcome your further proposals for other topics.
Please note that all presentations should be in English or French. Each presenter will have up to ten minutes for the presentation and approximately 15 minutes for discussion. Slides and transparencies must be in both official languages of the association.
We look forward to welcoming you in Prague in the year 2008 at what promises to be a most stimulating and enjoyable event.
Organising committee
Dr. Ljiljana Bojičová
Dr.Radomír Kučera
Dr. Marcelína Čejková
marcelina.cejkova@cssz.cz |